Tea Time.... Relax with us and have a cup of hot tea!

It is wet and raining today, so I am canning beans.
Black beans, navy beans, garbanzo beans, and kidney beans.
I think it is 32 pints worth.
I do pinto in quarts because I make baked beans out of them and they go quickly.
But the store was out of pinto beans! Dern that pinterest showing everybody how to be self sufficient. :/

We eat a lot of beans in the summer. We work late and opening a can of beans, some rice and a cold piece of leftover 'something' and we are good.

Because I was sick for January and February I did not get my tomatoes started early enough to get any this year.
I do believe I am bummed about that.
I might see If I can pick some up wholesale, and can someone else's this year.

That's really cool sorry bout the tomatoes :/
Poult, it's such a nice surprise to see your lovely, ever changing avatars.

How's everybody? I'm still waiting for the snow to melt. Cabin fever!!!
I just had a delicious lemon grass tea at a meeting. It was Harrod's lemon grass tea. Any of you ever tried it?
Enjoy your Saturday! I'll be drinking some more tea as I look at the snow falling in my garden
Tea, love your images!
Poor little brother... You must have some stories to tell

IKR, it was a big disappointment to find jasmine tea mixed in w yucky stuff once again.
I am not brave enough to try iced tea just yet. Still too cold for me. Maybe in May...
I like my tea strong, too.
My favorite mug is stained brown from the teas I drink. I wonder what tea is doing to
my teeth enamel

Thanks. =)
Yeah, ah, the good old days.

I'm not brave either. I live in fla and we had a warm snap. This week, I'm drinking all my tea hot, b/c we're having a cool snap. Next week, I hope it's warm enough to drink my tea iced again, I really liked the iced IBT.
Yeah, strong tea!!!!! Mmmm

I've discovered that having a bunch of mugs and soaking them helps with the stains.

Your teeth look good to me, so don't worry about it.

I was looking for an evening tea image and I found this:

Hello friends and fellow tea drinkers!!

How's everybody?

Have a great week!

I'm drinking tea

I've had a busy week. I've been turning in my school work right up until the day it's due. That ends up putting me behind for the last week of the term (and the term is short), so I've been trying to catch up with where I need to be going into midterms and finals (which is turning work in on Fri instead of on Mon, b/c everything due the last week is going to be due on Fri).
I've done almost everything for this week, I've got one more chapter to read and then one weekly exam. So, I'm getting caught up, but much more slowly than I'd like.

I hope you've had a great week!!!

It is wet and raining today, so I am canning beans.
Black beans, navy beans, garbanzo beans, and kidney beans.
I think it is 32 pints worth.
I do pinto in quarts because I make baked beans out of them and they go quickly.
But the store was out of pinto beans! Dern that pinterest showing everybody how to be self sufficient.

We eat a lot of beans in the summer. We work late and opening a can of beans, some rice and a cold piece of leftover 'something' and we are good.

Because I was sick for January and February I did not get my tomatoes started early enough to get any this year.
I do believe I am bummed about that.
I might see If I can pick some up wholesale, and can someone else's this year.
Except for the beans part (I do not like beans at all), I like the sound of this.
I'm trying to work on making our dinners lighter. But DH works from home and he doesn't like the idea of eating a heavier meal in the middle of the day. I'm still trying (is that persistent or stubborn???)

Canning someone else's is the next best thing. I hope that works out for you! =)
Your teeth look good to me, so don't worry about it. :D
thanks!!! I was looking for an evening tea image and I found this:
I've had a busy week. I've been turning in my school work right up until the day it's due. That ends up putting me behind for the last week of the term (and the term is short), so I've been trying to catch up with where I need to be going into midterms and finals (which is turning work in on Fri instead of on Mon, b/c everything due the last week is going to be due on Fri). I've done almost everything for this week, I've got one more chapter to read and then one weekly exam. So, I'm getting caught up, but much more slowly than I'd like. :rolleyes: I hope you've had a great week!!! ;) Except for the beans part (I do not like beans at all), I like the sound of this. I'm trying to work on making our dinners lighter. But DH works from home and he doesn't like the idea of eating a heavier meal in the middle of the day. I'm still trying (is that persistent or stubborn???) ;) Canning someone else's is the next best thing. I hope that works out for you! =) [/quote]
Snow still? bummer.
I had the best cup of tea today too. Just black tea, but it hit all the right spots at just the right time.

I do hope it's the last snow of the year.y chickens were so happy w the few days we had in the upper 40s. I could see their faces of disbelief at the snow last morning
(wish there was a "chicken disbelief face" on emoji)
Hi all!

Hope you are enjoying the holiday break and are all very excited in antecipation of Easter.

Have a blessed Easter!

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