Tea Time.... Relax with us and have a cup of hot tea!

I'm a tea drinker when it's cold out. I don't drink hot tea when it's hot out, but still drink hot coffee in the morning. Go figure.

Mostly I do tea bags, but I do have some loose leaf tea. I drink mine plain - no milk no sugar.

Mighty leaf has some great teas that come in gift boxes. I love their:
Earl grey
African nectar
Chocolate mint truffle
Chamomile citrus

Other teas I like:
Cranberry pomegranate
Honey vanilla chamomile
Zhena's coconut chai
Zhena's acai berry
Some green teas

Oh my, so many new things to try.... Chocolate mint truffle, African nectar and Chamomile citrus, Cranberry pomegranate... They all sound yummy!

My favorite tea so far is from Zhena, so I am sure I would like some of their other flavors.
I have a tea infuser like this for my loose tea:

fill and steep in your cup.
I bought one like this a couple of weeks ago at our local World Market.....
I can't wait to try it out.

I've got 5 boxes of tea open right now. I need to finish those up before I open up the bag of loose leaf tea.
How long does the loose leaf tea stay fresh once you open the bag? It is in a Ziploc type of bag.
[COLOR=800080]I've got 5 boxes of tea open right now.  I need to finish those up before I open up the bag of loose leaf tea.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=800080]How long does the loose leaf tea stay fresh once you open the bag?  It is in a Ziploc type of bag.[/COLOR]

Probably not the best, but I've had some of my loose tea in ziplock for years and don't notice any difference in flavor. They were gifts and in large packages, so I'm not about to throw them out.
Happy Chooks.... you should try drinking hot tea on a hot day... it is extremely refreshing...it actually feels as if it cools you down....
Well.. thanks to you all.... I am inspired to start experimenting with herbs, flowers and any other suitable vegetation to have a dried melange of them to make my own teas...I have purchased various teas ( apart from my standard loved ones ) and having explored "Wikipedia" it gives a list of various herbs etc to make teas for health reasons...I'm game for this... sadly at this time of year there is unlikely to be much to gather from a cold environment...I will however start my searching now!

I can cheat a little though as I have many dried herbs and spices in my kitchen!
Happy Chooks.... you should try drinking hot tea on a hot day... it is extremely refreshing...it actually feels as if it cools you down....
I agree. it doesn't make sense, but when i get home from working in our greenhouses-in Florida- my first activity is a hot cup of tea. I do not know why I enjoy it so much on a hot day, I just do.
I agree. it doesn't make sense, but when i get home from working in our greenhouses-in Florida- my first activity is a hot cup of tea. I do not know why I enjoy it so much on a hot day, I just do.
Do tell... Where are these greenhouses?
In July, we visited some Cacti commercial greenhouses Apopka.
To keep loose tea fresh you need to store in an airtight box. Traditionally, in England we use a tin. Often, at Christmas time you can buy loose tea, even tea bags in beautifully decorated tins. These are in most department stores in the gift department. Keep the tin as your 'tea caddy' when you have used the contents. originally, tea was very expensive and kept in lead lined wooden boxes that could be locked to prevent the servants from taking the tea. These tea caddys are highly collectable these days.

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