Tea Time.... Relax with us and have a cup of hot tea!

Chamomile grows local in some areas around here. The better half use to pick it and make tea with a few mint leaves. It was more of a "sleepy time tea".
I am late to the tea party but wanted to share my favorite tea. Harney and Sons Green Hot Cinnamon! It is a new version of their Hot Cinnamon Spice which was my old and still favorite tea of all time. It is like dessert in a cup, no sugar needed!

https://www.harney.com/green-hot-cinnamon.html or https://www.harney.com/hot-cinnamon-spice-tea.html

P.S. Don't order the foil packets, they are not near as good as the loose or sachets!
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I've been telling myself that I don't need any more tea until I use up what I have. You're testing me! That one sounds delicious. I just might order some.
Mighty Leaf is having a sale on all of their teas. I just ordered the Master Tea Sampler for my Aunt for Christmas for $41.

I made a "master tea sampler" for my mom for Christmas.. It really is a M A S T E R sampler... Fills a large box LOL...
So many choices, you know what I mean?
There are bags, sachets, loose... There are herbals, green, black, oolong, etc....
I just couldn't decide. I got in real trouble when I found the place that sold sample sizes for less than $2 a pack.
Then there was the Buy 1 Get 1 sale on Celestial Teas with $1 off coupons.
Yep, I am in deep when it comes to tea!

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