Tea Time.... Relax with us and have a cup of hot tea!

It was very popular about eight years ago.
I have not looked for it, But I think It should be still available in the herbal tea section of the tea section.
I think it was supposed to be healthy for you or something.
Americans fad over things and then it settles down and either sticks around or disappears.
It was very popular about eight years ago.
I have not looked for it, But I think It should be still available in the herbal tea section of the tea section.
I think it was supposed to be healthy for you or something.
Americans fad over things and then it settles down and either sticks around or disappears.
Oh okay!
I am going to see what we can find and when we get one I will let you know!

Unless it is out of California. They don't share well with Fla.
Things can be developed here, then grown there, and they won't send it back here.
But to be fair, we have sharing issues too.
They don't want our citrus greening and we don't want their chrysanthemum white rust.

Pls, let me know if you get one! I love mangoes. Avocados, not so much, but my children do.
Thanks! =)

Yeah, apparently it happens. DH and I are both like


My older kids are teens. I'm so nervous, b/c it's getting close to the end of my time with them and I know I haven't been a perfect mother, but I hope I've been a good mother, mostly I hope that I've given them everything they need to be respectful, responsible, confident ppl.
That was all one sentence, wasn't it? Sorry about that. Like I said, I'm nervous.

Thank you. I've done alright. I think I have an A in Science, but in Psych (Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences) I had the wrong edition of the book. My instructor was kind enough to send me the data that my book didn't have. Right now, I have a B or a B-; hopefully, I'm able to redo the assignments and get up to the A range.

I hope you rested and are bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this morning. =)


I had a restful weekend. It is sunny here today and I can't believe the temps are almost in the 40s!!! Yay!!! This image is so cute. How do you get to download images like that here on the thread?
Hi Americano Blue and chickychicks

I have to catch up with this thread. I heard rumors someone's been drinking coffee here
It was very popular about eight years ago.
I have not looked for it, But I think It should be still available in the herbal tea section of the tea section.
I think it was supposed to be healthy for you or something.
Americans fad over things and then it settles down and either sticks around or disappears.
Yup, I hate it when something I really like disappears. (like the 80s; they were fun)

Now that I've asked where you are, I saw your location is So. Africa. =)
I don't know much about So. Africa. What should I know?

I had a restful weekend. It is sunny here today and I can't believe the temps are almost in the 40s!!! Yay!!! This image is so cute. How do you get to download images like that here on the thread?

I don't download them. I do an image search for something like "tea" or "good afternoon" whatever I'm looking for a picture of, etc. Then, if I want it small, I just copy and paste the image that comes up on the search page; if I want it larger, then I open the website that the picture is on in a new tab and copy and paste the larger version of the image. Here's one for you, "poodlechicks":

but I like this one:
Thanks for the pics, tea!!

I once saw this show on poodle grooming and it had the craziest dos! I just can't imagine my poodle just standing on a grooming table forever for dos like that. I should have a silkie. They look like poodles, but I heard they don't have the smarts
The kitty w the chicks is extra cute.

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