Tea Time.... Relax with us and have a cup of hot tea!

90s? We don't get those temps till August.
Your son will have time to acclimate. I assume he's arriving in the beginning of Sept. when it's still warm.
He must be so excited!
They have a calculus bridge in July, It is to get him used to the idea of the campus and dorms and fill in any gaps that high school might have left out before he starts calculus in the fall.
(math- I get nausea just typing the word calculus.)
I guess we drive him up drop him off, drive back up pick him up drive him home and the drive him back up again. I could probably rent him an apartment for the two month for what the gas will cost.

I told him that my prayers and wishes for him were not to get into the college he wanted, but the best fit for him. He has been on the Internet searching all aspects of Rensselar, and last night he said, "I know I was wanting to get into Princeton, but I think you are right, This is going to be a really good fit."

One year is paid for...supposedly, and we will have to see how to swing the other three, but he is excited. I might have to take out a loan to cloth him though. He won't wear a jacket down here. He says it is not worth lugging it around for the rest of the day.
Snow clothes: They don't sell things like that down here.

I am sure someone will take pity on him and show him what he will need to buy to stay alive.
There's a place around here that sells winter clothes of good quality for a very good price. Google Burlington coat factory. There might be one close to Rensselaer. But I'm sure the folks there will show him where to get anything and everything. I feel the same way about math. I admire the ones who love it, but I can't stand it. I'm so glad my days of taking math are long over.
Rensselaer is a great place. He is going to have a very good education there. And I'm so glad you got the first year all paid for. One less thing to worry about!
This is a time of discovery and letting go. I feel it's hard to let go, but I suffer in silence
3 GE and Tea, you are so right. My sister was a teacher and the amount of work she brought home was incredible. Definitely not paid enough, that's for sure. Unfortunately, she left her teaching job. She was a wonderful teacher, the kids adored her.
How's homeschooling going for you, Tea?
I homeschooled one of my children for a year, but she begged to go back to school

On a different note, I found a place upstate that hosts tea tasting every afternoon! They claim to have the rarest teas. I can't wait to check it out.
Today, I drank a large cup of coffee, though

It's great! I know what my kids are learning (more than I was taught in public school). I know they're being taught how to think critically, to be respectful, and to stand up for what they believe, none of which did I get from going to school. I but curriculum that teaches the lessons and facts (so I don't have to try to remember what to teach them lol), and I help them when they need help. What I do is more along the lines of teaching them how to learn.

I sent mine to school for about 2 years, and when I had been homeschooling for about a year, she told me that she had hated it the whole time. My younger DD wants to go back, but she understands why we homeschool, so now she's trying to get us to let her go to camp. We're not affiliated with anyone who does camps, so I'm not sure how to make that happen, and we couldn't really afford it anyway, but we're working on a family trip or two later in the summer. Hopefully, that will help some.

If I could find a place that hosts tea tastings, I'd take my girls once a week!!! That would be a wonderful break from the guys!!!

It happens to the best of us.

I drink it all. I just had a big mug of honey lemon and ginger.
Not really tea, but it was hot.
Is it spring there yet?

Yeah, I have espresso every morning.

And then I have tea in the afternoon and evenings. =)

It's almost summer here. 90 pretty much every day.
Getting the children to camp w/o being affiliated to school here is actually very easy. There are summer camps at every town at fair prices. The only drawback is that they do the same old thing. Nothing really out of the ordinary. There are great arts camps around here, but too pricy for me

Maybe it would be a good idea to start a tea tasting group of your own. I'm sure you would get the attention of homeschooling moms and their daughters. It could be a lot of fun and a wonderful opportunity for socializing.
We do have to get creative. When I homeschooled, I contacted a local homeschooling group that got the children together to socialize once a week and also held science groups for the ones interested. We stopped going b/c the children were too rowdy and their parents let them get away with anything and everything. I guess this group mistook homeschooling for lack of civility. I hope you find a great group for your children. Homeschooling is such a good experience for all. It just didn't work for DD.

Temps are rising here and I'm happy. It's so nice to see the chickens running around flapping their wings or just laying around. They're such sunny creatures.
I was just sitting down with my tea!
yes, on the homeschooling groups.Some moms felt their children's freedoms included encroaching on the freedoms of others.
We were lucky, there were a lot of groups to choose from.
And we had a boy. Scouts were great. Summer camps were great -it was all great. BSA is a good program.

There was an art teacher who would do 'Art in the Park' classes. She charged $5 a day supplied all the materials and they produced some amazing things. She taught art history to them as well. If she could put a math or science lesson in she did that too.
She was fabulous.

Tea chick, you are trying to do it all. Your seams will split and you will come undone.
See what the library is doing this summer. Ours will even do comic cons, If nothing else, maybe she can volunteer in the children's section reading to others or helping shelve books. It is not peer to peer, but life rarely is.

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