Teacher fell for a fake cellphone trick.

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I know was wrong! Omg! I did this out of fun.
I don't have an iPhone or any cellphone. I see no need for one. I colored two pieces of paper taped to eachother with a dark grey marker, colored the buttons with blue marker, and the bubbles that are used in iPhone texting with green. The buttons weren't even right lol. I put " a b c d e f g h e j k l m z 1 2 3 4 5" a shift key, enter key, and an arrow key pointing like this <--- How could anyone think that's a cellphone?
I have a huge problem with this thread. It forces me to show my age. I agreed with the adult. Anybody know if there is a rule against making me feel old?
I know was wrong! Omg! I did this out of fun.
I actually do see the humor in the cell phone trick...Its funny - but totally inappropriate and mean. How would you feel if you were her? It has to be frustrating and upsetting to be mocked and to look foolish. I know, you said she embarassed you and this was revenge. 2 wrongs don't make a right. That said, i know it was supposed to be fun. But fun at anothers expense is never ok. Sorry.
I actually do see the humor in the cell phone trick...Its funny - but totally inappropriate and mean. How would you feel if you were her? It has to be frustrating and upsetting to be mocked and to look foolish. I know, you said she embarassed you and this was revenge. 2 wrongs don't make a right. That said, i know it was supposed to be fun. But fun at anothers expense is never ok. Sorry.

Respect is a two way street.

A person--even a teacher--that wants respect from me,
will in turn respect me.

I was a teenager once. I even had a first-year gym teacher
who called us all by our last name only. Fine. You call me
by my last name, you better put a MR. in front of it. High
school is not the Marines.

I explained it nicely a few times. He didn't understand.

I helped him understand one day. Grabbed him by his shirt,
threw his dumb - - - up the wall and explained very carefully
what my name is.

Yes, I was sent to the principal. And I explained to the principal
what my name is.

The gym teacher learned my name. That was his only year at
our school.

You want respect. Show respect.

Mr. Spook
Here's a novel thought. If you don't know why you are getting detention then why don't you ask? My guess is you know perfectly well but don't want to take accountability for it.
Sorry but you post here about immature behavior and don't want to be called on it? I won't state the obvious but the real world handles things a little differently than high school.
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2x As more I read into the rest of the stories, better lay low, do your job as a student and follow the rules. Pranks and jokes are something else but you MUST time them in the right place in the right time. If not, it will kick and bite you in the butt.

Sure I've had a teacher that I LOATHE, a sister nun that was so strict, even breathing would be timed. I hated her with a passion but I gave her the respect and try to get thru the school year without getting a possible ruler rapping from her. Glad I said my goodbyes to her and never looked back. To this day I look at the sister nun teachers with a wary eye, not trusting them fully of their intention on how they will teach the class something new.

So dont get into any more trouble and leave the jokes at another time.

I actually do see the humor in the cell phone trick...Its funny - but totally inappropriate and mean. How would you feel if you were her? It has to be frustrating and upsetting to be mocked and to look foolish. I know, you said she embarassed you and this was revenge. 2 wrongs don't make a right. That said, i know it was supposed to be fun. But fun at anothers expense is never ok. Sorry.
I kinda agree with everyone. There are just somethings you can not control and you bite your lip and deal with it. School is one of them and having respect for teachers even when they play favorites. I had teachers i didnt like but hey its only for a few months and then you switch classes again.

I only did one thing to make a teacher hate me and take things out on me but it was a good reason that i did it. It was my 10th grade math teacher and she was new that year and trying to prove herself. She would go to the white board and write down a problem and a formula and tell us to solve it. Well everyone would get the wrong answers and she would get the answer straight from her book. After about a week of all her classes learning nothing i started noticing the formulas she wrote down were often backwards or incorrect hence giving us the wrong way to solve the problem. I confronted her twice after class with no one around and both times i was told not to tell her how to do her job. The 3rd day she tried doing things straight from the book with her "thought to be correct" formulas and was getting the wrong answers just like everyone else. I then spoke up infront of the whole class and told her again. She called in another teacher and that teacher told her the same thing i had been telling her all along. She turned bright red and hated me from that day on. Gave me a refural one time just for asking to go to the bathroom.

Pretty much dont fight a battle you can not win. It will be over in a few months.
I'm a bit confused... You say the teachers play favorites and you don't like it but aren't you doing the same thing by saying "I hate this teacher so I'm gonna torment her but I like this one so I'll be nice to her"?
I'm not too far ahead of you in age so don't think I'm just some 'old bitty' giving you a lecture.
Stop making comments about how you respect those oldies with the bone problems. It's desrespectful and honestly, not an attractive attitude. I hope your dating standards aren't any higher than 'd-bag' because no one will date such a disrespectful punk. Who wants to take that kind of person home to their old parents with the OSTEOPOROSIS (pretty sure that's the word you're looking for to describe old women, thanks).
The prank would have been a lot funnier if you had done it in good fun and not just to torment another person. She may be a crappy teacher but she is still a person. You do realize that, don't you? God I hope so....
I will admit, when I was in school, I had some crappy teachers who would hand out detentions just for raising your hand. I also had fair teachers who willingly explained that we are all people who deserve respect but we must give it in order to receive it.
I've had violent teachers. I've had perverted teachers. I've had amazing teachers. I treated them all the same. They had my respect and attention at all times. They were there to teach me. If they could do that, then they had a good student of me.
Granted, some did lose my respect for various reasons. One beat up a student. Another tried to do 'things' to a student. They lost my respect at the first sign that they didn't deserve it. However, I still attended class and behaved myself because I was there to learn and I couldn't do that if I was busy wasting my time thinking of new ways to torture a less than desirable teacher.
Please do everyone (including your poor parents) a favor and grow up. Stop harrassing people and tormenting them. It's not your right to treat people that way. Do you recall them giving you permission to make them feel inferior? Didn't think so...
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