TeaChick's Chicks

These are the six Bantam Cochin chicks I got from TSC yesterday!!! They had just come in that morning. =D I think the last ones I bought were LF, not Bantam. They were white; if I had known that, I wouldn't have bought them. These are obviously colored!!! So, I'm really excited to be able to start getting some color into my Cochin "flock".

Here are individual pictures of them:

If anyone has any ideas as to what colors they may turn out to be, I'd like to know. =)
None of them is brown; all the coloring on them is some shade of gray and some have yellow. Three have pale yellow spots on the backs of their heads; some have wings that are black close to the body, then gray, and white on the edge away from the body (like the one in the bottom picture). Some have black marks on their beaks, some just have "yellow" beaks (what I would call "regular" beak color).
I'm beginning to think that the four white ones I bought six weeks ago are LF instead of Bantam; they weren't marked Bantam @ TSC.

ETA: I took some pics of them today, but I need to get them in my computer. It just occurred to me that I'm going to have to take some pictures of them next to something for size comparison. Oh, well.
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Haven't seen you on the "Natural" thread for a while so I was just checking to see if you were still on site......too busy with your chicks!?

I unsubscribed from the natural thread. It takes me forever to catch up and I haven't had any questions. I wish I could remember what I read, then it would do me some good to sit here and read it (it's a very educational thread), but I just get the information muddled in my head (if I remember it at all).
I'm still here.
Yes, I've been busy with my chicks and chickens. And kids, and we've had some predator things happen. Our only loss was this afternoon though, and that was a dog. I'm working on not free ranging anymore and I've got to move my chickens from the coop that floods and lets snakes eat eggs and that they won't sleep in anymore. KWIM?

So, how have you been?
I found out about the coloring on my dark Cochin Bantam chicks. The ones with a spot on the back of their head are barred. The others are black. They're getting a few white flight feathers, but I'm told they will fall out and ultimately, they're coloring will be all black.
I'm super excited!!!

Snoodle is doing well on her brood. I'm having DD change her paper bags right now.

My test hatch is going alright. The power went out in the middle of the night last Tues morning and the incubator was 70*; I candled that night and all three embryos are moving and developing!!! =D
Been good....I check in at the natural thread but I'm not as natural as they are. I feed only good things to them and all that but I would do not believe in natural wormers and if they got sick I would medicate,LOL
Been good....I check in at the natural thread but I'm not as natural as they are. I feed only good things to them and all that but I would do not believe in natural wormers and if they got sick I would medicate,LOL

I understand where you're coming from. I ferment my feed sometimes; I buy the most natural feed I can get. I do use natural remedies when they get sick, but it's b/c I have oregano and stuff in my garden and can't afford to buy a bunch of meds. A friend of mine gave me some Corid when our chicks got cocci, and I don't have a problem with using it as needed, but I can't imagine how they would have gotten over it w/o the meds.
How are your girls doing? What's up with Oprah? Let her know I asked about her. ;)
Oprah is our best girl.....lays like a champ. Tina is broody again and we have a friend who wants chickens so we ordered eggs for her to brood, check it out on the Natural thread.

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