teaching a dog to get along w/ chicks

When first starting to train a dog, always have it on a short leash, whether indoors or outdoors, coop or free ranging. The moment the dog stops panting, or intensifies his stare, or looks almost it has stopped breathing and all he focusses on is a chick, correct him immediately. That intense glare stare is actually predatory behavior. You need to do a lot of training if you want to make it work.

However, for me, I had to board an Airedale while my friend goes on trips, and he is also a known killer. I took just 1 day to train him, and by the 2nd day, was able to make him lay down and have the chicks all over him, of course, he is NEVER unsupervised and never left alone, whether or not I had a mesh lid on the brooder. My own dogs, I trust 100% because we've been training them for months, but not a new dog.
Fantastic pictures with story! Loved it!
We have 15 day old chicks and a 3 year old 90 pound chocolate lab... Hoping, praying, and training for the best...
Well, my Dark brahma hen has just decided to go broody.....on the dog's bed (just posted a picture on the 'Stories' series of messages).
A Border Collie, a Brahma hen......strange bed mates.


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