Teen just "can't" be kind to sister (rant).

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I checked that out - the website. I do not think he is abusive, physically. They are not around eachother that much. He is a very busy, social butterfly type. I think he is so into himself & into being Mr. Cool that it is a burden for him to tolerate her. Shame on him!
The one thing that the Dr. Phil website mentioned that did resonate with me was something about empathy. I think DS does not wish to sympathize or empathize with anyone who might need a friend or need to feel included. My husband told DS that this need to have things his way is "shallow." I agree, what the heck(!), he cannot hang out with his sister in our home for two hours?????
We are going to take DD with us if we go out to dinner. This entire thing feels like a punishment. DH and I have to choose between having a nice meal out together or leaving DD to feel alone and rejected. Again, she is a very sweet person, there have never been issues of her annoying/teasing DS and his friends...I dunno.

Yes but taking her is also letting your son get his way is it not??

I agree! It's normal for teens to act out, it's nature's way of cutting the apron strings, but once you laid down the law and he reacted so badly, letting him have his friends over at all is like condoning the behavior and worse telling him that he controls your house!
Read the entire thread, he has tons of time with buds alone! This is an event in the parent's and daughter's home and the parents want some time alone too! I'm happily married and trust me it's hard to get quality time with hubby when kids are always around!
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Yes, you hear about the Terrible Twos and adolescence, but they never warn you that close to the time they graduate high school (could be a bit earlier or later) they go through THE SAME DANG thing. Arrrgh! Well, only one left at home
lucky you! well, if you ever feel nostalgic after they leave the nest, pm me because i have several up and coming teens that i am sure will be as mouthy and know at all as this one!
You can almost guarantee it, huh? I thought I was gonna get away without the drama when my 4th one went all the way through his 18th birthday without any serious conflicts but NOOOO! A month after turning 18 he went the same route that his other sibs had gone.
I think it has to happen because we would never want them to leave if they stayed sweet forever (not that they aren't still sweet some of the time
). This is nature's way of making sure they leave the nest and face the hard job of becoming an independent adult. The reward you get for surviving is grandbabies! They usually still love grandma and grandpa even when they hate Mom and Dad!
why should everyone else leave the house so the boy can do what he wants to do? that is hardly fair. he should suck it up and deal with it, or move out and pay for his own apartment.

Who said everyone had to leave? I just meant why does he HAVE to have his sister present? I grew up with 5 brothers and sisters and there were times one of us would have friends over and the others were to find something else to do. There is nothing wrong with that.

Why are people so hard on teens suck it up and deal with it? or move out and pay for his own? Hell no wonder we have a bunch of angry rebellious teens.
why should everyone else leave the house so the boy can do what he wants to do? that is hardly fair. he should suck it up and deal with it, or move out and pay for his own apartment.

Who said everyone had to leave? I just meant why does he HAVE to have his sister present? I grew up with 5 brothers and sisters and there were times one of us would have friends over and the others were to find something else to do. There is nothing wrong with that.

Why are people so hard on teens suck it up and deal with it? or move out and pay for his own? Hell no wonder we have a bunch of angry rebellious teens.

Wow. Someone is getting a mite defensive...
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