So far I haven't lost one yet. I did see a orange tabby roaming my 3 fenced acres. Hopefully the dog did her thing with it. a week ago I put the 6 RIR's out in the coop area. Today I put the 6 BO's out there too. The 3 Redstars are still in the brooder. I gave them a few hours out with the others earlier today. They seemed to enjoy it once they figured out where they were and had 12 big sisters around.
TSC=Tractor Supply Company.
I bought 10 straight run buff orps couple days ago
I live them. Still waiting to see what sex I got.
I think one is a roo. They are 3-4 weeks old. We're rushing
To get their coop together. So far I would go back and buy more.
I got my chicks from TSC, the first batch on March 1st. They said they were 6 Buff Orphington straight run, and 6 "red pullets". Now after a month, they look exactly the same. I'm no chicken eggspert but I know what looks alike. I was assuming "red pullet" means RIR. I've looked at RIR chicks here in this forum, and my birds look nothing like them. Do BO's and RIR chick look the same after a month and have feathers? (note to self, find camera)
I wonder if your red pullets are "Red Sex Link" instead of RIR's. The sex links have better personalities than RIR pullets...imho The sex links have a bit of white in an among their red feathers, some more than others. The BO's should definitely look different than red pullets. They should be blonde plus they have a different body shape.
Oh, yeah, on March 8th, I purchased 3 "production reds" (which I assume are the redstars or red sex link chicks), and they're really different from the red pullets and BO's. If this is true, then they're definately not them.

Thanks for responding though. I know pics would help. will take a pic and take it to TSC to see what they say. Or atleast that's my current plan. Although it could be weeks before I go back.
I got my pullets on clearance for $1.50 each because they were older (4+ weeks)! No complaints here! I have 3 orps, 5 "production reds" ( sex-links and RIRs), 5 produciton leghorns, one brahma that was sold st. run but I'm sure is a pullet. I also picked up a cornishXrock as an experiment...I won't do it again though. They grow so big and fast and develop problems so quickly it's just depressing. I was going to let it just live out its natural, if short, life on the pasture, but now I think I'm just going to give it to my neighbor to eat once it's processing age... it isn't even meant to live that long and would only suffer. If I ever raise meaties I'm going for the heritage breeds :/
I have two bantams, not sure if male or female, or what breed, really. They look like chipmunks now though. Two pullets, one I believe is a white leghorn, the other, to be determined. Either a red sex link or a RIR. Then we have two rock crosses, they're sort of standoffish. I like the personalities of the pullets, and one of the bantams.
I got my 6 chicks 3 weeks ago from TSC and they are all doing well at 3.5 weeks old. I got 4 straight run buff orpingtons and 2 'red pullets'. Still no idea what actual breed my reds are and they are a lot more flighty than my buffs. I love my buff orpington chicks though! Two look very female to me and one I am almost positive is a boy (he already has a red comb, the others still barely have anything and his legs are noticeably thicker than the other chicks). The fourth's body looks more like that of the 'rooster' I have but no comb. I'm getting antsy to get them into the coop now LOL They are getting to be very loud at night in my dining room and quickly outgrowing their brooder.....need to put the pressure on the hubs to finish up that coop!
I got four red pullets and two straight run buff orps from our TSC. They are all super friendly and healthy! Currently three weeks old, and we did have to double the size of our brooder. Love these little guys!!

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