Tell How Predators Got Your Chickens. Save Somebody Else From The Bad Experience

I'm trying to keep mice out with the cloth...although I don't plan to keep food out there. Rocks we can ivy though...we have a ton of it and it drives me nuts that mice etc nest in it.
We built our run when we were in a drought so there was no way to bury the hardware cloth. Ground was way to hard. So we made our cloth six inches to long and laid it on the ground and cover it with dirt. And when I put sand in my coop we went along the outside with sand. I love it. So far so good. If a predator steps in the sand I can identify it by it's foot prints. I hope who ever is using hard ware cloth to keep mice out is using really small cloth. If a mouse can get it's head in a hole it can get in. Most mice can get threw a hole the size of a dime! Set tomcat snap traps loaded with peanut butter. And when you catch them if you have a well and septic system flush them down the toilet. I was told it is better than Rid X.
A hawk just earlier today swooped down as i watched and carried away a silkie chick. when they chicks are out i now have a 12 Gauge with me at all times watching them.... its so unfair it has so fast.

Sorry for your loss, Be careful shooting a hawk, here it is illegal and the neighbors would surely notice. Have you tried netting or something to prevent air attacks ?
I keep my hen and chicks covered with cargo netting for the first two least until they are old and fast enough to get away. Now, last week I have a few crows that are chasing the hawks away, good for them...otherwise I never see a crow. Hmmm.
A hawk just earlier today swooped down as i watched and carried away a silkie chick. when they chicks are out i now have a 12 Gauge with me at all times watching them.... its so unfair it has so fast.
Killing hawks will get you 5 yrs in the pen, And you should know there are fish and game officers on this forum. They are federally protected. You can harass them but you cannot shoot them. Bird chaser shotgun rounds work well, as do fireworks.
Of all the predators, hawks are my least concern. The man who had my chickens told me the hens will attack them...I believe they will too. Dogs running around seems a big deterent as well. Besides, I only have the one pair flying overhead and don't mind them at all.

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