Tell How Predators Got Your Chickens. Save Somebody Else From The Bad Experience

ALL birds of prey. Falcons are the only ones that i know of that are legal to own. Having a hawk or other bird of prey captured, contained or kept as a pet will also land you in prison. Good friend of mines father did some time in the federal pen... his cell mate was doing 5 yrs for keeping a redtail hawk as a pet in his house. 5 yrs federal time with a lawyer at trial. No thanks, I'll just shoot bird chasers and fireworks at them when they get too close.
When I first knew I would be a chicken mom, I read as much Backyard Chickens material as I could inhale, then set about to build a secure home and run for chicks I didn't even have yet. Predators at my home which backs up to a riparian creek area are skunk, 'possum, racoons, hawks, beavers, snakes, dogs, and two-legged troublemakers. My cat has never been a problem, nor has any of the feral cats that occasionally drop by.

My coop is 8x8x8 built on a concrete slab. Nothing can dig under it The coop has welded wire coverings over the ventilation on both sides at the roof line, an automatic pop-door that "little fingers" cannot open at night should anything get inside the run area. The attached run is 8x40 and the welded wire is buried in concrete 24" deep. Knock on wood, I have never had predators try to get my girls in all these 5 years, even though I have trapped numerous skunks, 'possums and racoons when observing their presence. Hawks fly down the corridor of the year around creek in my backyard, but don't stop for a second look since I'm standing outside with a rake in hand during the one hour at dusk that the girls get to go "out to play". The power lines at the rear of my property seems to help deter hawks as well.

Here are some pictures:

Besides being buried 24" in concrete, one side has a planter as an additional barrier.

The bottom 12" of the inside of the run is lined with ripple roof plastic mostly to keep the sand from being kicked out of the run. This also serves as an additional shield from "whatever" might lurk around.

Two entry gates have red brick pavers in front of them to prevent diggers.

The run is covered by a tin roof and a bit of shade cloth to keep the girls dry in the winter and cool in the summer.

Inside the run the girls are happy and have lots of room to play and climb while I'm at work.

Broody box inside the henhouse. Safe enough to use cardboard.

Happy and safe girls makes lots of eggs!

It made sense to me to build a secure place for my girls to prevent heartache down the road. Not to say something couldn't happen, but at least I have done all that is humanly possible to prevent an accident.
The first three birds I got were from someone selling off of craigslist, I got 6 total from this person. The first week I had them outside, I had them outside in a little circular fence. I walked in the house for maybe 3 minutes, the next thing my Fiance was yelling "Somethings wrong with the chickens!" I found my little frizzle with a broken leg, and wing damage, my little white silkie was gone, my black silkie was ok. It was a hawk, it had swooped down and grabbed the two that were the smallest, the frizzle was dropped. We got the two inside, as we did we saw the hawk swoop down again. I learned the hard way how easily the littlThe ones especially are easy prey. I got a small A frame from the same person that came with three more chicks. Then they just started dying, every day one more died, lethargic, opening thier beaks, ( At the time, I thought they were thirsty..not trying to breathe.) All the small ones died, I had three left.....My frizzle was still alive, I had been caring for her for 2 weeks by then, she was flapping her wings and trying to stand up, she was the last one that died, it broke my heart. she was one of the 3 that died in my hand as I was trying to give them sugar water, all the things that you would do for a lethargic bird. Purr, my Black Silkie was the only one that survived. My point is .....IF YOU HAVE SICK CHICKS, DON'T SELL THEM, AND ESPECIALLY TO SOMEONE THAT IS A NOVICE. I can tell someone that raises chickens now from some one that has no knowledge of the animal at all. The worst part was explaining to my 4 year old, that her Bubbles, the white silkie, was dead. Explaining to her that our Frizzle was up in heaven, happy because she could fly again. My daughter took her from me, (I had her wrapped up to keep her warm) and she started to rock her back and forth singing to her. That still makes me cry.
Fox are my fear here -- for exactly the same conditions you describe. I have a lump in my throat whenever I see my birds in the tree line. In fact, I lost a guinea last week -- not to a fox but to a Great Horned Owl. About 4PM -- too early by most reckoning. But, I have many of these giant birds around me, and I think my flock was foraging right under the daytime resting opportunistic kill. No sqwauking, not much feathers...just gone. At least my flock has not gone back there in the past week, but that might be due to the changing temps and daylight hours. My first loss. Still hurts.
Owls, at least Great Horned Owls, will also take a convenient meal during the daytime if the unlucky bird happens to be foraging near the owl's resting tree in the woods. I just lost a guinea and I strongly suspect one of the many Great Horned Owls I have on my property.
It always hurts to loose a few...I've considered having a secure run built, but don't think I'd give up free ranging just because the chickens seem so much stronger and healthier...not to mention more alert. But, maybe another coop for nighttime.
CW did you lose someone? We had a raccoon show up tonight ...I went outside to throw out the cat litter, came back in to do chicken chores. Realized I needed more cat litter . Go out to the car and noticed a tail sticking out from under my just looked at eland lowly walked away.i went to the store thinking it left...came home and it was there again. I turned my lights out and came back...but won't be back again :)

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