Tell How Predators Got Your Chickens. Save Somebody Else From The Bad Experience

Do you mean live bamboo, or using the wood? I wouldn't plant live, it's too invasive and harbors more pests than people know, and it would take too long to grow it, if you mean as a finished product, it would be too expensive in this country, and it can be chewed through no problem. If you have some left over planks to use, it might be OK. Try it out and just check it for gnaw marks. I find poplar practically bullet proof, and regular pine very sturdy (and you can actually drive a nail through it or screw without difficulty)

Thank you! I will remember that. :)
I've also considered keeping a johnny bucket in our one bathroom to collect human urine and early in spring, summer and early fall spreading human manure around edge of property to keep out coyotes and other predators.
Sounds like a all you can eat dinner for mice, rats, possum, coons and every other scavenging animal out there not to mention the smell that the thing would put off.

Sounds like a real bad idea.

Human male urine does help keep critters away. I'd not ever put feces out. And even with the urine you can't go overboard.
i had a possum getting my call ducks to stick thier head through fence and pull thier head off and eat it
I wasn't putting anyone down at all,I just think if you own livestock,its your responsibility to protect them,Larry
I just can't in my right mind seeing anyone with animals and not giving them protection,not at all,wasn't trying to start any trouble at all.
Two of mine weren't lost to predators. Unless you call an accident a predator. Anyways, I lost one RIR and a Dominque. When we put the roost in our coop, we appartently placed it to close the the ground. The chickens would run by and hit their head and break their neck and die.
Come on wrangler. My post was far from childish and an attempt to be logical about philosophy on how and why we need to protect our domesticated animals - I believe that is what this thread is about - avoiding predation. I do not think it is wrong to have a civil discussion on whether or not predators should be killed. My point is that once a predator knows that if it is tenacious it can get in and kill more of your genetically defenseless livestock, it is better to kill the predator if you get the chance.
When I say human manure after stating urine, I mean urine and critters do not feast on human urine. Manure is solid and or liquid...
But I've read that people have used it to mark territory to keep out predators, sure some times curiousity of the scent will bring some around, but if there's no food and just a fence of urine followed immediately be a tall wooden fence that is uneasy to climb, I am hoping the combination would be successful.

So far no one has really vouched that they are knowledgeable of the human urine practice...
An old man at a feed store told me how to catch a all the coons/opposums/coyotes/ Take a Metal fence post and a raw chicken (dead and full of vitals) Drive the post thru the chickens brest and into the ground. Have 10 leg hold traps hooked to the fence post and set around the chicken. You'll catch something eevverry night

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