Tell me about your sweet gentle roosters!

I just gave my gorgeous but aggressive rooster away and am feeling the hole he has left on our farm. He was my third roo and I have had to get rid of all of mine so far… The first was a Welsumer and mean from the get go, the second (same age as first but he was the beta roo) was a big lumbering Buff Brahma and the hens hated him (he was not aggressive to me at all, but did none of the rooster stuff for the hens except mounting them and he was too big), and now my SFH roo, who was fine for two years and then turned more and more aggressive over time (he’s 5 now, so I worked with him for a while).
I want a GOOD roo so badly, but how do I get one?
Would love to hear all about your good roos - breeds, did you get them as chicks or later, did they stay good or turn after a number of years? Did you have older hens with a younger roo and how does he win their hearts? (mine have never been impressed by a rooster)
Get a bantam Cochin rooster! We have a 3yr old roo and he is the sweetest thing. He has never attacked us and he beats off our bantam old English Game cock when he comes after us. He always puts his hens before him, and will break up fights between his hens if needed. Sorry I don’t have a photo of him.
I just gave my gorgeous but aggressive rooster away and am feeling the hole he has left on our farm. He was my third roo and I have had to get rid of all of mine so far… The first was a Welsumer and mean from the get go, the second (same age as first but he was the beta roo) was a big lumbering Buff Brahma and the hens hated him (he was not aggressive to me at all, but did none of the rooster stuff for the hens except mounting them and he was too big), and now my SFH roo, who was fine for two years and then turned more and more aggressive over time (he’s 5 now, so I worked with him for a while).
I want a GOOD roo so badly, but how do I get one?
Would love to hear all about your good roos - breeds, did you get them as chicks or later, did they stay good or turn after a number of years? Did you have older hens with a younger roo and how does he win their hearts? (mine have never been impressed by a rooster)
This is Copper! He’s my black copper Marans boy! He’s almost a year old (about 10 months). He is the absolute best! 64F6BA98-705A-4943-A45B-C76D190236D1.jpeg

This is Bean! He’s a little over a year! I love him to death too, but he’s taught a few of my girls to wander the yard. Haha

This is my little Silkie/Bielefelder mix that I hatched not to long ago and ended up keeping cause he’s a lap chicken!! He’s a bit bigger now.

I hatched Copper last October and I’ve raised him. I’m not 100% sure how to get a calm rooster as I’ve raised some from babies that happen to turn into complete brats!!

I’d say my best roosters in order are
My Silkie
My Bielefelder
and my Silkie/Bielefelder mix (he’s still quite little though)

I used to have a little Japanese rooster who was pretty friendly, but I sold him to a family member.

I will say my meanest rooster I’ve had is my little Millie fleur d’Uccle

Hope this helps!!
This is Copper! He’s my black copper Marans boy! He’s almost a year old (about 10 months). He is the absolute best! View attachment 3218477

This is Bean! He’s a little over a year! I love him to death too, but he’s taught a few of my girls to wander the yard. Haha
View attachment 3218478

This is my little Silkie/Bielefelder mix that I hatched not to long ago and ended up keeping cause he’s a lap chicken!! He’s a bit bigger now.
View attachment 3218480

I hatched Copper last October and I’ve raised him. I’m not 100% sure how to get a calm rooster as I’ve raised some from babies that happen to turn into complete brats!!

I’d say my best roosters in order are
My Silkie
My Bielefelder
and my Silkie/Bielefelder mix (he’s still quite little though)

I used to have a little Japanese rooster who was pretty friendly, but I sold him to a family member.

I will say my meanest rooster I’ve had is my little Millie fleur d’Uccle

Hope this helps!!
1st time I've seen a silkie/Bielefelder mix. He's darling!
Mr. Darcy is my speckled sussex cockerel. I give him treats to pass out to his girls and he rarely keeps any for himself. I thought having a rooster would put a stop to me keeping the chickens as pets, but I leave his girls all to him and he makes up for it by being my sole cuddle buddy. :love He doesn't let the hens peck me for treats anymore either. He also has a brother that he is very kind to, they sleep together on the roost at night and groom each other after their morning crowing contest. I don't know how long that will last since they're 16 weeks old but it sure is sweet for now. All the hens prefer to hang out with Darcy and how could they not??


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Mr. Darcy is my speckled sussex cockerel. I give him treats to pass out to his girls and he rarely keeps any for himself. I thought having a rooster would put a stop to me keeping the chickens as pets, but I leave his girls all to him and he makes up for it by being my sole cuddle buddy. :love He doesn't let the hens peck me for treats anymore either. He also has a brother that he is very kind to, they sleep together on the roost at night and groom each other after their morning crowing contest. I don't know how long that will last since they're 16 weeks old but it sure is sweet for now. All the hens prefer to hang out with Darcy and how could they not??
What a cute.

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