Tell me again how this chicken math works?


Cows, Chooks & Impys - OH MY!
14 Years
Nov 9, 2007
SW Arkansas
Back in November, 2007 I joined BYC looking for information on keeping a few hens to supply my family with eggs.

I just placed an order for a third coop.

How on earth did this happen?!?!?
As far as I can see your start of wanting 4 chickens. Then you build a big coop and run which makes them look lonely, so you get a few eggs for a broody hen. Then you find out about different breeds and before you know it you are the mad chicken person with many coops that just have to be filled.
That's about right, except....we built the first coop. Then I needed a second. DH had health issues last year and wasn't able to help me build one, so he gave me the shed his harley used to live in; only needed retrofitting on the inside. Now I need a third coop, so I ordered a prefinished one.

Your first was not built big enough. Your second was not built big enough. Your third (will/will not) be built big enough.

Imp, your task is to grade her response. A or F?
I'm actually waiting for a giant shipping crate to become available at work, that will be my 3rd one, too!

My only thoughts are.... where's the Harley sleeping?
Fair is fair. He gave me his 12X14 harley house, so I bought him a 30x40 ft. shop. Only have 8 more months to pay on it too.
I blame the predator for taking you broody after I sent you eggs so then you had to hatch the little devils inside. Now they have no feathered mama to protect them from the big bad grown chickens.

I want to see the coop you ordered!
This third one will be for growing out and broodies only.

That's a big F there.


Imp has a ruler and is not afraid to use it.

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