Tell me it aint sooooo.........


11 Years
Sep 7, 2008
Munfordville, KY
I was thinking and hoping my cute lil bantam here was a she...


But Now I Think Shes A HE....

What do ya'll think, lol (is she just practicing her egg laying song, lol)

This lil bantam is only 4 months old (this month) and sounds to me like its trying to crow! I was really hoping it to be a she, its a OEGB (roo)/Golden sebright mix (hen) Gosh I have a 6 month old roo that isnt even crowing yet, or atleast I havent caught him crowing... I have caught him mating, lol
I didn't hear any crowing sounds on the video - just a lot of clucking and the EE doing a little egg song in the background. I'm no expert on Sebrights but she looks girly to me.
Watch again, I think it's in the middle of the video.
ETA... it's around the 40 second mark. He even stands up to do it.
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Ya got to keep listening it takes awhile for the crow part... it just crowed right before I started taping... so I had to wait, lol AND.... I know I think it looks girly too, thats why I'm confused, lol I was calling her pretty girl, might have to stop that, lol
So I guess shes a HE, lol. It is cute and pitiful sounding, lol He was already crowing this morning! I need to get a better video of him

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