Tell me something GOOD that happened to you today.

Love this story!
Bless you for your kindness...that is someone's son out there and you remembered that!
I finished most of my missed homework from when I was sick. ^___^ Oh, and I'm feeling a lot better. No temperature and I'm coughing less.
I got kisses from my kids and my cats when I woke up this morning! Yesterday I rescued a duck from horrible conditions, so two good days in a row.
This was a good thing that happened for me earlier this week.

I had some work done on my teeth about 5 years ago, cost me an arm and a leg, over $6,000, but I never was able to finish the full mouth restoration after my job at Kaiser was eliminated & I no longer had dental insurance (nor could I afford even my share of cost.... the total amount for a full mouth restoration was close to $22,000 over time). After my 130+ pound weight loss, my face changed shape, plus I was in an accident a couple of years ago that caused some loosening of the crowns... long story short, they were my front teeth, and $6,000 worth of gold crowns fell out & I could not go out in public if I was going to have to smile, open my mouth, or talk to people.

Through the kindness, selflessness, love, and generosity of a dear friend who saw me constantly crying over my inability to venture outside the house much, the money became available for me to get my the rest of the defective crowns removed and restore my smile.

Check out the before and afters (I apologize if this grosses anybody out).

Here's my smile Tuesday morning of this week:


And here I am, 8 hours later:


I have a wonderful friend.

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