Tell me something GOOD that happened to you today.

I had a job interview this morning that went very well, and it looks like something I would really enjoy and completely out of the realm of anything I've done before, though my present office/computer skills are easily translatable into this position. I have been asked to return this afternoon for a final interview with the owner.

I am SO stoked.
Today I tore down my entire chicken coop!


Ms. Olive needs a friend. Since Ivy passed away she has been cranky. With the new coop I will have the room to do that!


My partner-in-crime standing victorious after we got the walls of the dog pen down. Whew! What a mess.


Olive & the ducks inside our home made "tractor"... Which is currently over a part of the garden. Made with pipex, wood and poultry wire!
Very cheap and easy to build if you would like to know how!


The ducks who will be going to a new home sooner than later... Love you, bye bye!
They are not very tame, male (they were free and supposedly female when I got them) and so messy. Well taken care of but I don't think I will be doing that again.

Tomorrow we are building a... Building inside that dog pen using the existing roof structure. The wire-frame will be reassembled behind it, dropped into the ground a bit and we're going to put a flap-door with a larger hinged door overtop so we can limit intruder access (and birds leaving at night). Very excited! Not so excited to clean up the porch where everyone is going to have to stay overnight!
inputoutput posted a photo of a great chicken tractor! (I'd love to know how to do it.)

And it's a perfect day here - AND I had the day off from work!

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