Tell me something GOOD that happened to you today.

MY DAD CAME BACK AFTER A YEAR OF BEING GONE AND HE WAS THE LAST ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's awesome!!! Probably the best one yet on this thread!!
Actually got a fecal sample from entire goat herd! Now, this probably sounds weird, and there are only 3 goats and a ewe, but this is a major accomplishment. Needed a herd fecal sample to have vet do fecal. Not just for regular worm management, but I have concerns for their overall health (long story) Anyway, my goats are not put in a barn at night, they have an out building that they can enter and leave as they wish. To be able to get a fresh poo sample is a bit challenging. Today, I went out, brought a chair, and figured it would be a while. Low and behold, all three goats poo'd within 5 minutes of me being down there! I followed my ewe around for about 15 minutes, and just as I was about to give up, she went too! In the 7 years I've had goats and my ewe, this has never happened. I'm sure all you goat enthusiasts can understand, lol!
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Debi, your bouquet is going to be stunning!

I had my ganglion cyst on my finger removed today. Right now it's completely numb and I can't feel it, so that's good. When the local wears off I'm sure it will hurt, but for now, I'm happy that it's *finally* been taken care of.

The one bad thing is I can't use my left hand, and that's my dominant hand, so no writing, eating, playing guitar, milking the cow, etc. for a while. And typing is done dare I say it... the pecker's way. It's so hard...typing this way... I'll survive I suppose... but it takes forever to get out what I want to say.
I had a HUGE one removed from my shin and there was virtually no pain once the local wore off. I was surprised.
I went out the coop this morning to find three of my 10 week old chicks had escaped their cage in the middle of the night and were running lose in the coop with the big hens. Thankfully, all three chicks were unharmed and were all huddled behind the cage scared to death. But they all lived!
I FINALLY got my bad tooth pulled, it hurt soooo bad I wanted to pull it myself! Long story, but I had to play 'musical dentists' to find one who could do it right away. I am so relieved. I was crying in the dentist chair(s). Now I feel great. Whew!
But then the car broke down 20 miles from home and I was still numb with a bloody gauze in my mouth, lol.

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