Tell me something GOOD that happened to you today.

Don;t listen to him, he lives in SoCal!!!! There is no winter where he lives.

I found money today. $91. WOOT

Hey I lost $91 you found it thanks

And we do have a week or 2 of winter in bad years it can last for a month.

I just stocked up on some bluefin tuna for the next bad winter.
I found and disposed of the giant insect that has been incognito in my bedroom for about a week. Nasty little squash bug.

Yesterday we planted our itty bitty tomatoes and our melons. They're still there, so no little critters got 'em in the night. Yay!

Nice find though, Debi! Finding $91 is definitely something pretty cool.
I completely forgot that I contribute to a Section 125 plan at work - it takes money out of your check, before taxes, and you can submit your receipts for medical care to be reimbursed. So you actually MAKE money. I found my stash of receipts on Friday and the money will be in my bank tomorrow. WOOT!

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