Tell me what you know about Peacocks, I think I want some.

They are gorgeous and they are loud during breeding season. They prefer lots of room and a high roost. They eat a lot less than my chickens, ducks and turkeys. They can be flighty if not raised with a lot of attention. They are social with each other and some other birds. They need to have shelter from the hot sun, extreme cold and wind, depending on where you live.

I am a beginner with peafowl but this is some of what I have learned about them.
At what age can they be sexed?
What do they eat?
Are they pretty tough birds or do they get sick a lot?
Is there a problem keeping them around chickens and Turkeys?
What kind of coop should I have for them?
I see alot of people let them free range and they roost in the trees at night,
Howe do I train them to return home?
ANyone know where to get some, Shipping would be great or if they know someone near me. Sullivan county NY. Thanks

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