Tell me what your experience is with Polish Crested.....

When i first got my roo he was not hte friendliest but i think their nature is that way.... because they get surprised alot..

i go into their pen and pet them almost every day and just picking them up and checking for mites or anything unusual on their legs or heads and touching them all over really pays off. they don't even struggle a little bit any more and when i take them outside to their run they just perch on my arm and i don't even have to hold them.
Everyone has different birds and like people they have different personalities
i found a pic of them all together in the barn

sorry it is so dark
Update: my favorite of the 2 was a roo and was black crested golden laced. Very pretty and dumb as a rock. I named him Oscar. He disappeared one day and all we found were the feathers. I desperately want to replace him!

I still have a WCB pullet. My son has named her Jayhawk. She was in my dogs mouth the other day but didn't get harmed. After we rescued her and held her for awhile I thought for sure she would be more tame, but no such luck!
I got 5 white crested from Tractor supply last year (my sister is the store mgr. and always puts back the fancy chicks she gets in for me!) They turned out to be all hens! I had 30 chicks - way too many - so I gave 2 to a friend who was starting a flock. The other 3 I named after the Bronte sisters. While all the chicks were around 10 - 12 weeks old, I lost several chicks to weasels, 2 of the Bronte sisters among those. Now there is only Charlotte who is now over a year old and fits quite nicely in my flock of 18 (not including new babies). No, she's not the most prolific egg layer, but no one picks on her and she's cute. Funny thing, my BO hatched out 5 chicks on Easter. When she went broody, I gave her a variety of eggs to sit on - 3 of those eggs were white and I have only 2 white egg laying hens, Charlotte and Ajax, an American Grey. The chicks are now 7 weeks old and 1 is black, with feathered legs and a mohawk (father is probably the frizzle cochin roo)!
I probably won't get anymore, but I love Charlotte!
This is Pricilla, a Buff Laced Polish. She's a nutcase, very flighty, scared of her own shadow and she hasn't laid eggs in almost a year, but I like her all the same. I don't usually keep free-loaders, but I think she's pretty and unusual, so I'm keeping her.

My rooster is a Polish and he is the best of roosters. He tends his flock really well and he is not the least aggressive. I originally had 6. 3 roosters and 3 hens. I'm down to one rooster and one hen. Predators got the rest. My hen is a good egg layer and is not one of my broodies. She has hatched out 2 chicks and is still stuck to the nest. I'm not sure if she has an egg left under her or not. I will check tonight. The only thing I don't like about these birds is that they fly over my four foot fence and get eaten. I'm going to stick to heavy hens in the future that can't fly!

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