Tell us about your weird phobias...

I don't like the bees and wasps either but Horseflies make me do a dance. Horsefly bites are the weirdest thing in the world- They hurt and they make me feel like poison is going into my bones!!
Omg, once I had a dream like that! I just couldn't! Weird.

Must be a WA thing huh? LOL! Terrifies me really....

Woah thats weird. ME TOO! Like if something is chasing me, i cant run fast either! and when i try to scream, i cant, or it comes out quiet and muffled! SO WEIRD!
I have a fear of stepping on baby birds. I was hanging out clothes barefooted one time and I guess one had fell out of the nest and was hiding in the grass. I stepped on it dead on!! UGGh!!!!
Must be a WA thing huh? LOL! Terrifies me really....

Woah thats weird. ME TOO! Like if something is chasing me, i cant run fast either! and when i try to scream, i cant, or it comes out quiet and muffled! SO WEIRD!

I've had loooong horrible dreams where I'm running through a large house hiding and darting to get away from someone. I never get away, or get caught. I hate those dreams. I have "apocalypse" dreams, where I'm trying to get away from something horrible, like a volcano or explosion. I suppose living near Mt. Rainer growing up did not help.

Another irrational phobia: Lava.
That's a new one. I must say that is a really cool phobia to have. I rank that right up there with Q-tips.

It is NOT a cool phobia to have this time of year, it's everywhere, let me tell you! It's a texture thing for me.
I don't think that its gonna like get me or something, now that would just be weird!
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Woah thats weird. ME TOO! Like if something is chasing me, i cant run fast either! and when i try to scream, i cant, or it comes out quiet and muffled! SO WEIRD!

I've had loooong horrible dreams where I'm running through a large house hiding and darting to get away from someone. I never get away, or get caught. I hate those dreams. I have "apocalypse" dreams, where I'm trying to get away from something horrible, like a volcano or explosion. I suppose living near Mt. Rainer growing up did not help.

Another irrational phobia: Lava.

OHh how could I forget...
Stairs to nowhere...trippy....ugh...shibbers up and down my spine!
Must be a WA thing huh? LOL! Terrifies me really....

Woah thats weird. ME TOO! Like if something is chasing me, i cant run fast either! and when i try to scream, i cant, or it comes out quiet and muffled! SO WEIRD!

Ok, so it isn't just a WA
I forgot about the running thing!

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