Tell us about your weird phobias...

Easter grass... Thats that crinkly plastic shreds in kids baskets aint it? I aint scared of it but whenever I hear a kid diggin around in that stuff it makes me wanna smack 'em LOL...

The big orange circus peanuts? Why, those things are good! I know someone who's scared of Dippin Dots (sp) though... I got a bowl full one time at a ball game, he bout jumped the bleachers. Dont know why...
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Easter grass... Thats that crinkly plastic shreds in kids baskets aint it? I aint scared of it but whenever I hear a kid diggin around in that stuff it makes me wanna smack 'em LOL...

The big orange circus peanuts? Why, those things are good! I know someone who's scared of Dippin Dots (sp) though... I got a bowl full one time at a ball game, he bout jumped the bleachers. Dont know why...

Everyone here has some strange phobias - makes us ALL strange alike! Phobia Ridden Peeps UNITE!
I love this thread - makes me feel more normal. For me, I'm scared of anything with more than 4 legs - the more legs - the worse it is...don't know why. It gives my the heeby geebies! Any bug-like animal that touches me makes me scream and dance. Also, I won't swim where I can't see the bottom - lakes, oceans, etc. I have a fear of something grabbing/biting my toes! And being alone outside in the dark - We bring the dog in at night and when my husband was away for police training, I used to go out to get the dog with a flashlight, cell phone and gun (we have a fenced in back yard off the back porch)
I can't be in the middle of a group of people...a crowd will make me panic. I have to be on the edge or up above them like on a balcony...or even better, far away from them....oh..and there has to be a rest room or porta potty withing visible eye distance. lol
I'm afraid of people coming up behind me after a bad experience at the bank. Also, being outside alone at night creeps me out. Helicopters creep me out, and the book I read about people being thrown out of them didn't help much. I'm also afraid of boats, unless it's small and I'm the captain.

Crowds definitely, and that started after the incident at the bank as well. I have to be able to get out of a space. If I can't get out, it's going to get ugly. So the trucks where you have to open the front door to open the back, it's not happening unless I am in the front by the door.

The roads in CA where they are mountains on one side, and a sheer drop on the other. Even though I have been assured you'll hit a tree before you hit the bottom.
Oh, I'm also afraid of frogs. They'll eat me, I know it!

I don't have many issues, really I don't....
Ok I will post mine...I didnt' read all 11+ pages, but I figured after I read the first page I was safe from being teased.....

I am deathly afraid of FISH....I love eatting fish, I love to fish, I love sea food, and I love swimming in the OCEAN...BUT if I am ever around a lake/river/pond/stream etc. etc....I completely panic...I won't go in the water unless in a boat, and then it's not even a little boat....I am so deathly afraid of a fish coming around me...I have a panic attack, and have physcially gotten sick just from the thought of touching a fish while in the water....
One time I had to clean our fish tanks, and this 1 fish would not come out for the life of himself...So I scooped him up in my hands and ran through the house screaming and crying until I got him in the other tank...As soon as it was in the new tank, I was in the bathroom getting sick...
I don't know what it is, but for somereason I can not handle fish....
But yet we do have fish tanks, we do go fishing, and I will take the fish off the line, going to zoos/parks/etc. where they have fish and what not doesn't bother me at all, it's when in the water that really freaks me out...Oh the fish I had to move with my hands was a Molly fish too, so it's not even a fish that could hurt

The other is WereWolves(I know I spelled it wrong).....I can not stand any movie with them in...I have never even watched Teen Wolf (with Micheal J. Fox, because I can't stand the whole werewolf thing...I get panic attacks and can't be in the same room even with the commercial for

Other than that I don't think I have any real phobias...Besides those 2 things I think I am pretty

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