Tell us about your weird phobias...

What is a Puss Asp,look it up if you live in the south at all,because they are the most vinemus Asp in the US i know maby the world.last summer I was knocking pears from the tree for my cows they love those old hard baking pair and did'nt know until about 5 mins. had gone by that one had falling on me it got me on the theigh,arm and chest,had to pack it in ice take lost s of Binadrill and hurt so day for about 4 days cover in hugh welp blisters evaryone they touch you they make a acid that just keeps on burning ,so if you live in the south you should know these guys because they are bad news and can be fatle if your prone to allgeries
I no long go near the pair trees ever
I guess I dont really have alot of phobias. Love the creepy crawlies, rodents, snakes, water (love to swim in just about anything - lakes, rivers, ocean, pool etc). I like to be scared. I like a good horror movie or haunted house. Not afraid of ghosts. A day or two after, I even find my vivid nightmares funny. I like the dark and dont mind weird textures, heights or being alone (as long as I feel safe).

That being said, I am a control freak and so I don't like clowns or people in those full body zip up costumes. Creeps me out - who are they? Why are they hiding?
I also dont like needles, especially shots - sharp things entering my skin and stuff being pumped in - ewwww.

Kind of funny, I love spiders, they are so cool but I am scared to have one near me inside. I cant sleep at night if I see one in the bedroom til I track it down and put it outside. Tarantulas are fine, kept lots as pets.
That is about the time frame when most commercial dumpsters are emptied by garbage trucks.

How long does it take for those guys though, it seems to take forever......or maybe it just seems that way cause it's the middle of the night...

You would have hated FT Knox. When we lived there and the wind was right you would hear machine gunes, granades and tanks shooting. After sometime we got used to it. Now i could sleep through a war.
Dude, I grew up listening to Coast to Coast, and Dreamland. Probably the source of my "apocalypse" dreams!

....Anyone watch The Ring?? I saw that movie unknowingly on the night of a lunar eclipse. For future reference, DON'T DO THAT. You will mess yourself up. I don't get afraid from gory slasher movies, just don't. But give me a good psychological thriller and I'm FREAKED. I still don't like looking at blank tv screens. I'm freaked out just thinking about it.
Right there with you! Told my husband whe we first married that he had a choice. He kills any spider that gets into the house or he patches the bullet holes. I was not joking when I told him that I would simply shoot the 8 legged wee beasties right off the walls. I make my living with animals....always have. If it creeps , crawls or slithers I have owned it , sold it , bred it , or dated it (lol had some bad dates in the past) but spiders skitter when they move and that un-nerves me in a way I cant explain or control. I leave them alone if they are outside but if they make the mistake of crossing my threshhold its DEATH HUNT;)
I have another crazy thing going. I am deadly afraid of long stretches of interstate with no bathrooms aviable and no way to pull over espec when i am not in control of the car. It gives me panic attacks .
Im Phobic about CLOWNS the scare they life out of me.
spiders those are the very worst, silk and syrofoam I just cant touch they give me the creeps. Other than that Im perfectly normal. LOL OH yeah and there is the problems with answering the door, I have a fear that it is something bad so I have to have someone else answer it. I will walk10 miles rather than get on a bus that has people on it that I don't know. Im not afraid of any animals (except spiders). NO..... Im not Crazy just a little nutts at times. LOL:oops:

And Im prone to panic attacks if im put into a unknow situation, place
Yep thats lots of fun. But on the up side its nice to know Im not the only one. Thanks everyone for sharing, this is almost theriputic for me!
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