Tell us about your weird phobias...

Right there with you! Told my husband whe we first married that he had a choice. He kills any spider that gets into the house or he patches the bullet holes. I was not joking when I told him that I would simply shoot the 8 legged wee beasties right off the walls. I make my living with animals....always have. If it creeps , crawls or slithers I have owned it , sold it , bred it , or dated it (lol had some bad dates in the past) but spiders skitter when they move and that un-nerves me in a way I cant explain or control. I leave them alone if they are outside but if they make the mistake of crossing my threshhold its DEATH HUNT;)

If skittering bothers you what about crabs? Those things freak me out the way they move in quick, skittering, sideways steps!
I was the first one to make it to her room. I saw the evil thing walking towards her. I will never forget that evil doll face or that voice. Everytime I hear Mary Had a Little Lamb I think of that night. Dad moved all of the dolls out of her room and into the hall. For some reason he moved one particularly awful ivory toothed beast in a black doll carriage into the room I shared with my other sister. I hated that thing. I guess I have a doll phobia too come to think of it. Gee, I wonder why???!!
My daughter is deathly afraid of feet. If someone unknowingly gets their foot too close, she will flip out. (She is 13). One night, my DH had bare feet while on the couch. He put them up onto her lap and she jumped up screaming and in tears. It used to be a joke, but now I see it is a very real phobia for her.
As for me.....I am terrified of bridges, but most of all, boat ramps. DH was driving and we stopped at a wayside that had a boat ramp and he thought it would be funny to drive the car almost to the end of it, close to the water. I ended up in tears, and jumped out of the car. Weird one I know-I cant explain it either!
My Word you guys are a hoot!!
I'll share a few....Yes scared of horses big tall horses, I remember riding as a child and loved it, but scared now (only if they are out of their stall or fence), as a teenager my grandpa who loves horses and is always going on riding trips threatened to tie me to his horse to rid my fear, I thought I was gonna die I stayed plugged to my grandmas side the rest of the day
, I have nightmares of wolves and/or bears attacking me,,no tornadoes and most of all.... scary movies....I hate them don't know why people like em' and those who make them...twisted..twisted people I think
. I don't even like ghost hunters or any kind ther kind of phenomenon shows, nope don't even mention if your house is haunted.
Ohh I will have bad panic attack and will be a shaking mess for days.. maybe...but funny thing the haunted houses set up for Halloween they don't bother me..I know it's dumb right.
, scared something may happen to my son and I won't be able to help him (yes I'm over protective ask my DH) and as far as small nit picky phobias I will not sit on a public restroom toilet
I don't care if it looks clean..not sitting, I don't sit on some folks toilets in their own home
, no I do not want a sip of your drink
, no I have my own hair brush, yes I have plenty of hand wipes and sanitizer, and you better wash your hands after you use the bathroom and before you eat. I know..I know...
Lets see....
1. i dont like bees, or any type of bug that i thinks gonna get me LOLOL now, rolly pollies, moths, and most beetles and those type of bugs i can handle but Wasps and Bees im FREAKED OUT of em!

and its all because a few years back, i had a huge parasitic wasp fly in my long hair and i didnt know it was in i come inside, sit down, and i feel it up there.......then i just scratch my head not knowing whats up there and there it goes, onto my shoulder LOL i freaked out and yelled like a lil girl

LOL well thats my main phobia
KyleD. :

Bathrooms....yes i know bathrooms. Well mostly when its dark or no one is on that side of the house or no noe in the house at all. When i was little i mean like 4 i could have SWORN i seen a ghost in the bathroom of the house i still live in...its haunted me ever since.

Haha this reminds me of camping when I was little.. You know those port a potty camp toilets that have the big dark hole filled with poop?
When I was at Girl Scout Camp all the girls were talking about a baby that had fallen into one of them and died and now the dead baby's ghost roams the inside of port a potties waiting for someone to sit down so he can snatch them in... AAACK!!!

I can not go pee in a port a potty.. NOT because is smells like a dead rotting animal... but because of the dead baby waiting to pull me down into the poo!

i don't like any bugs i don't touch them at all if one is on me i freak out and knock things over

i am afraid of horses but slowly getting over that lol

i have OCD so there are a number of routines i do every day LOL!!!

i believe things on the left are good things on the right are bad LOL!

left must be high right must be low LOL

the color red and yellow is evil LOL

i think that's it for me?
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Here is another one I just discovered at a meeting off-site this morning. Teeny tiny bathroom stalls. I am not small, but I don't take up two seats on an airplane, but this stall was so small I had about 2 inches on either side of me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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