Tell us about your weird phobias...

I'd forgotten about that one. I absolutely loathe them, they give me the shivers.
this one isn't a phobia per say...more a pet peeve I think...(I know you are all probably thinking not another dumb thing from Shawna...but here

Money.....When ever I have any money (which isn't very often), or when helping my mom with craft and animals shows/sales/swaps, when I go down and help bartend once in a blue moon that's the first thing I do is straten the til, or anytime there is more than 1 bill involved...the MONEY ALWAYS NEEDS TO BE IN THE CORRECT ORDER, WITH THE PRESIDENTS FACES UP AND THE TOPS OF THERE HEADS POINTED TO MY LEFT....$1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100 in that order $1's on top, $100 on bottom...When I used to have change (before kids) I would put my coins in the paper rolls, with all the heads facing up and the United States of America at the top of the coin roll...I know circles don't have a top and bottom, well they do in my coin rolls....

ok I do believe that's about it for now....I know I have plenty of things/issues/pet peeves/phobias....but if I didn't have them I wouldn't be ME!!!!!
I do the cash each morning at my work, and I can't even tell you how weird they'll leave the bills! They don't mix the different denominations, but they're always upsidedown/etc. And some are all crumpled. And some have people's phone numbers (thank you, Serendipity) and some have "Where's Washington-Track this Bill!"

Blech. Money is disgusting. It makes my hands all yucky. I spend most of the morning trying not to remember that statistic about how much heroin is on our money...
Me, too! I HATE feet. Hate! I especially hate it if someone's feet touch my feet. It totally grosses me out. If my husband's feet touch me at night, I literally jump out of bed.

Naked feet should NEVER touch other naked feet! I sleep with socks on year round....

I hate socks and shoes, too!
I have only read up to page 20, but I have to add my fears and phobias as I see a lot of similar things on here that I have.

Seems like this topic should be phobias and OCD's

I used to do the bumping or rather hurting one side of me if I bump or hurt the other side just so things would be even. I did that as a kid but have since pretty much outgrown it. I do straighten things out on shelves a lot, messy shelves are a issue for me, I now work at Wal-mart in the grocery section, lord, let me tell you about the can good aisle~! I also count a lot number of silverware as I take it out of the dishwasher, etc. Hubby said he used to count his steps from the bedroom to the kitchen, every morning.

I have a fear of spiders and earwigs, enough so that I cannot go to bed without earplugs for fear the earwigs will crawl into my ears! I also cannot sleep with my feet uncovered, (because my mom would tickle my feet to wake me up when I was a kid- I do not like my feet touched.) or arms or feet over the beds edge.

I have a fear of flying, but can do it. I have a fear of being away from a bathroom, due to my IBS symptoms, so that I do not even like to eat out. Whenever I get panicky when I have to go somewhere new, I get nauseaous. I can make myself nauseaous over darn near everything. Afraid of ladders, afraid of seasickness. I am also afraid of drowning, and of fish in lakes and such. I went to Hawaii 2 years ago and we went into a nice hot spring lava rock pool and there were fish, and they kept biting me! Hubby thought it was funny but that freaked me out!!

A extreme fear of intercom systems or answering machines, I do not like to hear my own voice over a speaker. So, do not like to go places that I do not know anyone or anywhere there will be people I do not know or a lot of people.

Fear of dying and the end of the world due to apocolypse and of being a prisoner of war and tortured.

I guess I have a fear of dark basements, from when I was a kid we lived in an apartment building and the basement where we did laudry was terrifying. Our house we had was haunted and the basement was scary too. Where I last worked, I would run up the basement stairs as fast as I could like something was going to get me once I shut the lights off.

On a different note, I get night terrors, which is when you are not really awake, but you can wake up enough to see whats around you but cannot stay awake for more than like 10 seconds but you have the terrifying feeling something is in the house or room, that you cannot see its just a feeling it will get you and you cannot move or scream, you are essentially paralyzed. I try to scream or move enough to get hubby to wake me. After a while of trying continuously, I can get him awake enough to hug me and I feel better. Google night terrors, its bad.
Well whats strange is that I don't have a fear of spiders. But I seem to have allot of nightmares about them.

Flies do it in for me...

What is even funnier is that I see people are afraid of Butterflies. Only Because I was outside one day watching them fly around. And I see one land on a round brown mound. I bet you can't guess what it was?? Yes it was a lovely dog poo.
I actually started to crack up and luagh when I saw it. So gross.....

I don't think I have a fear of chicken poo. But I certainly try to avoid it hahaha
Loud, High pitched, Shrieking noises( I hate them!!! Just the thought of them make my skin crawl. However, I can tolerate screams, but noises like chalk squeaking on a chalkboard is unbearable to me.).
My fingernail's scraping certain substances(again, just the thought of it happening makes my skin crawl.).
Do those count?
My thing is peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on the beach. (or anything sticky)
If the sand sticks to me I freak. But normal sand sticking because of water no problem....
That and spiders.

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