Ended Tell Us Your Funniest Chicken Story to Win Six Bags of Feed from Nutrena!

My 7th month old roo started dancing around the matriach hen in my flock. He kept going in circles dancing all around. She went submissive for him but he kept dancing around her and nothing else. She gave him this mean look and walked away from him. The look she gave him was like "not now I have a headache" look. I laugh every time I see this.
Well this was a first but the other day I had took all the chickens out to free range, and I pored out food for them and everything. After a while I got a couple eggs and went inside for a while to get some lunch. After about a hour of being inside I came back out and I went out to the coop and set down in a chair, and about a minute later I started to hear thumping in a small coop that I had some polish in. I started to get real close to the coop because it could have been a coon in the coop or anything. I finally looked through the wire door of the small coop and saw a polish chicken laying in the bebbing, it kept flopping and plopping on its side lol I really did not know what in the world to do and then the next thing is when I tried to touch it, it just got up and walked into the run.....I really did not know what to think about that lol
Then later in the day I thought I had heard a turkey......I thought to my self and I was like I do not even own a turkey, and I looked and saw one of my roosters crowing and I guess it was its first time crowing lol.
Then I heard something else so I was like WHAT THIS TIME but I looked and my splash silkie rooster was crowing and hopping at the same time and I thought to my self I HAVE NEVER EVER SEEN A CHICKEN HOP ON ITS LEG LOL!!!!!! I really think i have gone crazy and own a funny farm hahahahaha
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OK this is not a real funny story but it's the best i have: so this past spring i had gotten eight mixed chicks: six supposed leghorns and two unknow bantams. (banty cochin and banty cornish) at the time i had never heard of a cochin before *sheepish grin* so when i saw the little chick had feathery feet, i immediatly thought, 'oh, this has to be a roo.' so i named it Marshal, after a Barred Rock i had last last year... disappeared mysteriously christmas day :'( anyway, i named the other one gracie. then, one afternoon when i look out the window hearing this crazy "RRr-eeee-rr" noise, there's gracie, standing up as tall as he can and puffing out his little chest. so now he's grayson and marshal's marsha (she turned out to be a hen).
I have always been known for bringing home stray animals. Everything from cats to dogs to the newest thing chickens. When I announced to my husband I was going to start keeping chickens, I thought we were heading for divorce. I walked in the door with not one, not two but 12 baby chickens. Did I mention we live in the city? Man was he mad. So I kept them inside and took care of them until they needed to go outside, then I had a doghouse and pen I could put them in. I had a nice set up. I was happy, he was still mad, or so I thought. You see he works from home and would go out during the day and give them treat like meal worms and stuff like that. On conference call he would talk about his chickens and about the new coop he was going to build. But when I got home he would glare at me and complain. It wasn't until last year at his Christmas party when one of his co-workers came up and and asked how if he had started building the coop for his chickens yet and in the 20 years of marriage, I had never seen him turn that red from being so embarrassed and busted. So now, we have over 20 chickens, four ducks and a wonderful chicken coop and working on a pond for the ducks and one humble hubby.
My chickens are crazy about their feed. One day I came to their coop with the giant feed bag to refill their feeder. Their feeder is a large, open topped, metal one so I replenished their food stash with ease. I brought the rest of the feed back inside for a later day. I grabbed some greens that the chickens so love and went back outside. What I saw was our largest chicken, Teeter, was inside of the feeder. Her tail was up, and she was munching away on all the newly poured food. She quickly hopped out upon sensing my return. What a sly chicken!
My girls entertain me so much....I am always telling my husband ( Tinkerbell did this & Rapunzel did this ) and he just rolls his eyes at me as if I am a little crazy!. ( He just doesn't get it )....our love for our chickens!

One day I was walking down the driveway and the girls were following me as usual, so I stopped and picked up my beautiful girl Minnie ( A Brahama ). I was holding her and petting her and she was talking away . As I was standing there I could feel Rapunzel ( Buff Orp ) pecking at my pant leg! I looked down at her and she kept pecking harder and harder at my pant leg, then looking up at me with the "Evil Eye". She was telling me, "Hey what about me".....I want your attention too! I kept petting Minnie and Rapunzel was getting more and more upset that I was holding Minnie so she hunched down and flew up on top of Minnie that I was holding!!! So I grabbed her in my other arm and cuddled her and she started talking right away .....and she was as happy as a hen that has just layed her egg :)
Well we've had several (too many to count) incidents where our hens have cracked us up. Sending my mother-in-law screaming into the house when two of the girls hopped up on my shoulders and one on my head and started eating my popcicle one day this summer (she's deathly afraid of chickens). Our smallest hen Rosie chasing our huge bloodhound in circles around the farm. But the most recent that comes to mind just happed a few weeks ago when we were doing some maintenance on the girls coop. Now, I'll be the first to admit that I am in no way a construction expert. I've slapped together a few doghouses out of USB board and that's about what I did in making the henhouse, just put some nesting boxes on the sides and built it up on 2 ft tall stilts to stick straw beneath during the winter. Anyway, in building this thing I didn't take into consideration ever having to hang a light on the inside, let alone hang it safely, so my wife and I had to work together Red Green style in rigging one up in case the weather gets too incredibly cold this winter.

One afternoon we decided to get at it while the ladies roamed the garden for late autumn grasshoppers, my wife decided she would lay in through the coop door (a large-hen sized door) and hold a large dowel rod against the front and back wall of the coop towards the top of the house while I screwed into the ends from the outside, making a sturdy brace from which to hang a light. Everything started out splendidly until right to the crucial moment of the project when I'm trying to locate the ends of the rod from outside and not miss them as I screw in, when one of the hens, Blanche begins freaking out, squaking and pacing around Amanda's feet. I was at the back side of the house when she (wife) begins yelling "what is her DEAL! she's pecking my legs like it's some sort of emergency or something!" I come around and sure thing, Blanch is pacing circles frantically around Amanda's feet, yelling and "cussing" as we say around here like it's emergent she get in the coop as soon as possible. So I yell "she's COMING IN!" and walk around and set Blanch inside one of the nesting boxes, thinking she needs to lay her afternoon egg and it's to the point that she was probably afraid she was going to drop it out as she ran over to the coop from the garden (I'm sure we all know this feeling). I then shut the nexting box door and get back to the project thinking Blanch would nestle in and lay, when no more than 10 seconds passes the squaking and cussing begins again, followed by my wife yelling, "this crazy lady is wiggin' out in here she's apparently unhappy we're doing home improvements without informing her first!" I look in the door and sure enough, Blanch is circling Amanda's face gryping up a storm looking all around raising amuck. Then she proceeds to hop up on her belly and scratch around in circles mumbling disgustedly, circles round again and plops down, huffs and proceeds her laying process ON her chest. We both chuckled hysterically then returned to finish the project. Needless to say, when you gotta go... ya gotta go.
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its a short story but anyway i was showing my friends a chook and showing them how
sweet and quiet she is/was and suddenly i felt something warm i looked down and she had
done her buisness on me!!! at the time is was extremly embarrassing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I went out to the coop in the late morning with some leftover spagghetti from the night before. Love, my easter egger was in the box getting ready to lay. She came running out to see what was going on, then she ran back up the ladder toward the box, then looked back at the rest of the flock eating all of the spagghetti, then finally ran back down and started chowing down and dropped a pretty green egg right next to the spagghetti without missing a beat. I mean, what's a girl to do? We're talking Spagghetti here!

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