Tell your 'what the heck was that thing?' scary story

Double WOW!!!!
I actually posted this a while back here on BYC. The story was:

I was just sitting here poking around the message board, and I heard this heavy thumping at or on my house. It sounded like a person was bounding up onto my porch or something. I ran out and saw nothing, but heard thumping around on my roof. I walked around to the side of my house and saw what appeared to be a GIGANTIC crow take off from my roof. But I mean unbelievably huge! I've lived in the wilderness and country my whole life, and I've seen a lot of crows, even close up, on many occasions. This was like nothing I have ever seen. Bigger than any hawk or eagle. I am assuming it's a crow, unless there's some other species out there that looks exactly like a crow that I don't know about. Has anyone ever seen anything like this? I stood there literally gaping as it flew off and felt totally stunned. Of course no witnesses!

Posters answered that it was most likely a Raven. I did not know there was that big of a difference between a crow and a raven. In fact, I thought they were the same thing. But I looked it up online, and sure enough, it was definitely a raven that I saw. It was unbelievably huge!
Not exactly "unexplainable" but still creepy....

For my 18th birthday my dad towed the camper out to the lake and let me spend the weekend there by myself. It was about midnight, late October, and I had to use the restroom. Keep in mind, the bath house was closed for the season, so this country girl took a flashlight and went for the woods. After I finished my urm, business, I was headed back to the camper when I heard a growl coming from under the steps. I bent down and got a good look at what appeared to be a raccoon crossed with an opossum, but about as big as a 40-50 pound dog. The creepy part was the thing had only one eye and appeared to be scars from being burnt on the other side of it's face and over half it's body. I know it wasn't any kind of dog, but I still don't know what it was. All I knew was that I wasn't getting back in the camper. I ran to the truck and drove back into town like the devil himself was chasing me.

I got my big brother and my dad to come back with me, but by then the creature was gone. We did, however, find tracks in the mud. They appeared to be like raccoon tracks, only much larger. I was so sure of what I saw that I called the DNR the next day to report it.

To my knowledge it was never seen again. Still makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up thinking about it though.... Not so much because it was scarred (it probably really was burned at some point) but because I could not identify what it was.
We have many foxes around here. When I first heard them, it was in the dead summer night and I had no idea what would make that awful, freaky noise. Talk about freaky!!! Sounds like a woman screaming or something. They sure are pretty, but have a chilling sound. I am used to their sound now, but I still don't like hearing it!
Okay, I'll share one but you all will think I'm crazy (half of you already do, so I have nothing to lose I guess

This happened when I was a small child, but the memory is vivid.

My family lived on a remote mountain in the deep woods of Maine. I was maybe six when this happened. I was sitting in the garden, just sitting there, playing in the dirt. I suddenly got that weird feeling like something was staring at me. I looked up, across the large garden to the edge of the woods. I saw this creature, I have no idea what it was. It was about the size of a small dog, maybe a foot or so high and a couple feet long. It was tan colored and had a lion-like tail, long with a poof of fur at the end. And it had what I would describe as a lions mane, like a male lions mane, full and around it's whole face. Here's the crazy part, it had what looked like a human face. And it was staring at me, just silent and motionless, staring. I literally froze with fright, I had (and have) never seen anything like it in my life. I screamed, really loud, a shriek, and my father came running outside with a shot gun. Not sure why he came out with a gun, but he did. He ran over and I was pointing and screaming and he saw it and shot. I think he missed, and it turned and disappeared into the woods. I asked my father what it was, and he was kind of pale and all he said was "I don't know, go in the house". He walked into the woods and was gone for a while, apparently looking for it to no avail, and came back and that was the end of it. We never spoke of it again.

Years later, in my 20's, I was sitting with some roommates and we were telling stories like this, and I told my story. My roommate looked at me completely seriously and said "Sounds like a Manticore". I had heard of a Manticore, knew it was some sort of mythical creature, but didn't know what one looked like. The next day out of curiosity I went to the book store (this was pre-internet, lol) and looked up a "Manticore". I was totally shocked at what I saw. It was almost identical to my memory, except that some of the drawings of them had wings, and this creature definitely did NOT have any wings that I saw, and I saw it pretty clearly. So I can't explain the wings, but otherwise it looked exactly like what I saw.

For the record, I do not believe in mythical creatures, lol, I swear. But the fact is I did see something, and it really looked like what's known as a "Manticore". And I never even knew what a Manticore was until my 20's. So I don't know what to say, I know it sounds crazy. To this day I think back on it, it's so vivid in my head, even though it makes NO SENSE.

Here's a couple images of Manticores. It looked a lot like these images, but no wings, and very small, not big at all. About the size of a cocker spaniel. The bottom image looks most like it, with no wings, only the mane looked more like the top pic.

Go ahead and laugh, I know it's bizarre. I can't explain it myself and my father won't even talk about it.


This thing was drastically bigger than a crow, at least the crows we have here in NH. Absolutely huge. I looked it up and read that their wingspan can be up to 50 inches, which is about right for what I saw.

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