Temp advice -MHP

Here in the Chicago area we're going to have a massive temperature swing. I'm wondering if anyone can advise me on how I should deal with MHP temperature in my brooder. Currently the chicks are in the garage which tends to be cooler, but we are still going to be in the high 80s. That's after being in the low fifties up to yesterday.
Is there a rule of thumb for how warm it is outside to turn the temperature up or down or off? Unlike a heat lamp, I can't really get a good temperature underneath the pad. My chicks hatched out on the 28th.
If your brooder is big enough, there is no need to do change anything. The chicks will just spend less time under the MHP.

Having one space "too hot" is not a big deal when the chicks are free to leave that space.

I've seen a few brooder setups where the heat source, the food, and the water took up all the space, so the chicks had no option to get away from the heat. That would be a bad setup no matter what heat source is used. Chicks need room to scratch, run, play, and even take naps in the cool area. So double-check that your brooder does not have that problem, and then don't worry about the MHP as the temperature goes up and down.
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We are also in Mass. We had the chicks in the run out doors before they were a week old. Temps in the run have ranged from 35-70s. After the first few days, the pad was set to low. The beauty of the MHP is that it simulates the Momma Hen. Her body temp is 105-107. Barely warm to the touch. If you can feel heat, it is probably OK. No need to monitor the actual temperature. Just make sure the heating pad is still working and not shutting off after a few hours. Our chicks are now 5 weeks. And starting to mingle with the hens. It is currently 45F in our run.


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Do you do the 5° a week thing with your lamps?
No. That is what they do commercially. I try to simulate a mother hen. A hot spot and the rest cool. I rarely use a heat lamp. I use Premier1 heat plates and when I have 50+ chicks to raise, I use Ohio brooders. Those have ceramic emitters in each end. It is warm under the brooder and cool in the surrounding space. Chicks can find what is comfortable for them.
When done this way, they often wean themselves off of heat sooner.
not sure why you don't like it? do you adjust the heat lamp depending on the temperature it is or just lower it when the chicks seem like they need it lowered? or do you follow a strict schedule?

I adjust the MHP when they are barely using it then I lower the temp on it, and when they get too tall to fit under easy then I raise it so they can go under it easier. It isn't like a mama hen lowers her body temp 5* each week for the chicks.... They just run under her when they want to get warm and come out when they are good...... Just like they do with a MHP.
As I noted in my last post, I almost never use heat lamps. Primarily just Premier1 heat plates with the no roost covers.
Yes, pretty hard to measure the temperature under the M HP.
I like your MHP! It's a great idea to use the basket! I find it WAY cheaper than the heat plates, but either a heat plate or MHP is far superior to heat lamps and aart is right, "rule of thumb temps," are all about heat lamps. So back to temp of MHP, most years I DO care about and measure ambient as I brood outside, but I don't need to know what the temp under the frame is. THIS YEAR however, with weirdly fluctuating temps, I got more curious and I was able to just stick a meat thermometer under there every once in a while to see what the temp was. I was really surprised at how it was always on the "to warm *90 side." And I wound up not waiting for weeks to go by to turn it down! Can you measure the temp with a meat thermometer just so you know? If not Rosemarythyme is right, the chicks behavior will tell you what you need to know. My 2day old chicks out in *39 ambient were sleeping just in front of it, but not under. THEY told me that *90 was to hot for them. Your MHP and your chicks are CUTE!!!! Enjoy!

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