Thank goodness not putting eggs in incubator until end of month or beginning of next month but am having problems w/ getting the temp to stabilize. I have a forced air hovabator. It has been on for 3 or 4 days now and can't get temp to stablize. I will literally stand there and watch the temp range anywhere between 98 and 103. What am I doing wrong? I changed out the thermostat (the wafer) thinking it was bad which is a possibility. I have one of those digital thermometers you buy at petco for the reptiles. I'm wondering if the 2nd thermostat wafer I put in was bad too. I have been adjusting temp every few hours to try and get it to 99.5 but having no luck. I'm planning on getting a water weasel/water wiggler as I know those supposedly you want the temp to read 99.5 w/ those. Having no luck finding any yet. Tried both the dollar store and wal-mart. I guess they aren't in season yet. Any help/suggestions is greatly appreciated. I'm starting early because I knew getting the temp to the right temp is tricky and it just may take me a stupid month to get it to where it needs to be.