Temp question


10 Years
Feb 21, 2009
Columbia river gorge
Ok my home made bator had a test run of about 16 hours then I moved it to my liveing room where the temps flucates less and put in two eggs and a small baby food jar with water as a heat sink or what not. Last night for the first about 8 hours things ran a bit cool my home made water wiggler saying that the temp was about 98.7-98.9 , I tweaked the thermastat and after another 8 hours or so the home made water wiggler is saying 100.1-100.6 . Is this too hot should I try to tweek the temp again or is this ok ?
Im thinking a little over 1.5 degrees is about the smallest tweek I can get by hand on this little thermstat and thats what I have already done to get it up a tad.


THank goodness you asked I have been so involved with the temps I hadnt checked the humidity today and its down to 39%
better add some water .
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I added just a smidge of warm water and the humidity went up to about 45% and thats fine with me , Im trying to keep it between 40-45%
I hope these eggs do something . I mean I put them in there to test cause they are cracked a tiny bit but I have heard of people hatching slightly cracked eggs som Im
I've read that you can seal the cracks with candle wax. If you leave them go with cracks, the bacteria might get in, rot the egg and then it can explode in your incubator.

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