Temp Timing for Chicks?


13 Years
14 Years
Mar 26, 2010
My Coop
My Coop
I know there's a chart somewhere here, I think- for the temps to keep the chicks warm, and how to decrease it over time. Anyone know where that is??? Thanks! New babies tomorrow, and it's been a while...
The standard is to lower the temp by about 5 degrees every week until they are old enough to feather out and protect themselves from the cold
Yes, I found it- How To Care For A Chick - First 60 Days:

Young Chick Brooder - Can be as simple as a sturdy cardboard box or a small animal cage like one you'd use for rabbits.
Flooring - Pine shavings work best
Temperature - 90 to 100 deg. for the first week, decrease 5 deg. per week. A 100 watt bulb pointing in one corner (not the whole brooder) works well.
Food & water - chick crumbles / starter & a chick waterer
Play time - Play with your chicks when young to get the use to being around people.
Outside time - Section off an area in your yard where the chicks can explore, scratch, etc. Make sure you can catch them when it's time to come in.
I know that is the standard procedure and I wanted to folow along..but to tell you the truth..my chicks were way below the norm...Just follow your instincts and listen to your chicks..My chicks came home and they were no where near happy at 95 degrees...(87)..and already fine at 75 at 3 weeks.. so just go with your gut and listen to ur chicks.. and if u have questions ask on here...the "experts" on this web kow more than most...
Yes, last time I watched them pretty closely, daily. If the looked too warm I moved the lamp away. They'll be inside where it's a nice 70 degrees, and I'm home full time right now, so I'll be chick Mom

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