Temperature shock question


Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
Jul 24, 2019
Boston Area, MA
My Coop
My Coop
I have a hen that needs a foot bandage because of some foot issues. Ideally, I’d take her into the house for that, where I can sit down more comfortably with her in my lap, there’s better light, it’s cleaner etc. However, I’m worried about the temperature difference. Even if I do it in the basement, where it’s cooler than the rest of the house, that would still be 60ish degrees as opposed to outside where it’s in the teens. It won’t take very long, unless I need to soak her foot, in which case I’d blow dry her completely before taking her back outside. Should I worry about the temperature difference going back outside?

Nah, I agree. Look how well insulated she is! Hope that foot heals up quickly.
Thanks! It won't heal, unfortunately, at this point I'm just keeping her comfortable. She has chronic foot swelling. I took her to be seen, but the vet couldn't figure out what's causing the swelling :( The poor hen has also been living with EYP for a few years now. She's a mess, but she's the sweetest chicken ever and my favorite, so I'll keep wrapping those little feet!

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