
As far as the government goes, pretty much of it is crooked and they can find out anything they want to know about us if they wanted to. They would just bore themselves silly with my information so i'm not worried. I don't careif they know how many chickens I have. Maybe they will tell me.
I missed the Madisonville sale this morning.... I swear my life is busiest on Saturdays.

I got a breeding pair of Bantam Barnevelders I would like to sell to someone who appriciates a rare breed, if anyone is interested. The hen is laying and the eggs are fertile. She does have a bit of a bald spot on the back of her head from the rooster getting over zealous. Otherwise, very healthy. They are both on Dumor layer right now and get one fist full of scratch as a treat (and trust me... the hen LOVES to see you walk up with something in your hand.... she knows it's her scratch). I can vaccinate for IB if you want... I haven't yet because some people don't want vaccinated birds and others do. I'm about to put them up on a auction on here and would appriciate if you are interested to use the forum's listing to buy... this is soley because I need to start to build BYC feedback. Got all the ebay feedback I could want, but zero BYC.

Anywho. I was going to take the three bantam Delaware boys again... the red cochin bantam boys would have been dirt cheap... there are too many.

How did everyone/anyone do? I guess you all are just getting home from it. Was it a good Saturday or a slow one? Patiently waiting......
It was slow but decent. I sold off everything i brought, at rock bottom prices just to get rid of them. 18 birds went away, yay!

On a sidenote, anyone in East Tennessee want some D'uccles? I have a pair of black mottled GIRLS, a single mille fleur GIRL, 3 porcelain GIRLS and a single porcelain BOY. They are FREE to good home if someone can pick them up as soon as possible. A hawk has staked out my yard and took out my blue mille fleur d'uccle girl along with 2 very young bantam cochins. It even attacked my broody mom and baby when I was OUTSIDE and less than 50 feet away this morning

I have no way to cover my yard, so upgraded 2 roosters from the rooster pen to the big yard to help with hawk calls. I wonder if this coincides with the removal of my BIG blue barred rock rooster Friday. He did great hawk calls.

Also, I found out my new bunny I got as a companion to my girl bunny is a BOY. Fail.It was supposed to be a girl. However it is much better with my niece, so I guess I will keep it instead. Therefore, free bunny to good home. Girl gray rex, not overly friendly to people but would make good companion bunny to another girl or neutered male. Freeeeeeeeee.

eta: just went out and upgraded 2 more roosters from the rooster pen. stupid hawk. I have them listed on craigslist $25 for the entire flock of 7.....
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That sucks...so far our hawks just fly by..may have something to do with this big orf of a puppy that is bouncing around outside most of the time.Can't wait to get that big blue boy here..my radiator cracked so they had better get it fixed so I can get my new birdies

I have 1 blue Mille D'Uccle chick looking for a home now they would go great with Jenelle's Mille but I have no idea what it is other than small and cute

I'm also selling my Silver Leghorn flock and may sell a silver Ameraucana trio or quad..making more room for Jenelle's Millie's to move in with me
her cutting back seems to be flying to my yard
Hi All, We are moving up to Lawrenceburg this week from Alabama.
I saw two vet clinics and was wondering which was better to use and why?
one was shoal creek and the other i dont know the name but it was on the same rd further down.
or if you all know of a better one in the area.
Dena and tribe
Somehow, we need to get more West Tennessee People on here. All the good stuff is too far away from me. I would actually prefer to move but it's not an option at the moment nor in the near or distant future. If I where to move it would be to Indiana where i'm from and all my family is at. I want to go home.
If possible try zig zagging some bright colored string over the top of your pen the hawks don't like flying through it.You can use pvc pipe on the corners to hold it up it doesn't have to be tight just visible.
My problem is that they are not in a pen.....they are in about a half acre fenced area. Basically the front part of my backyard. There is no way to cover it with anything. I might try putting stakes with flappy wind things around the yard and/or tables for the birds to dive under.
I wonder if my hawk problems are from taking out the big blue boy......the losses seem to coincide with him coming out of the flock friday. I think I lost 1 friday, 1 saturday and 1 today. Darn it. He is a great rooster
I upgraded 4 boys from the rooster pen to "bulk up" my defenses. We'll see what happens. Everyone is hiding now, but it may just be because of the heat.

I am going to lock up the mille girls to make sure they don't get eaten! But the sooner they can leave the better....they are just slightly larger than the birds the hawk is going for now....yikes....

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