
My grandpa was a trucker a long time ago. We were coming home from hunting in Ohio, and the interstate was covered in snow. I asked him where we would stay that night and he said home. He stopped at the gas station and bought 2 cans of bleach poured them on the tires and we did about 30mph all night and finally got home. not very time efficient, but it gets the job done.
Yah, I've been naughty too . . . ah well. . . we can dream, can't we???

Can you just imagine all those chicks! I'll bet Miss Holly B can! How many chicks ya got in the hopper, woman??

Okla-DD, I'm doing mostly banties these days, trying to keep just a few breeds since they like to be around birds that look like them, LOL! Bantam Ameraucanas, bantam cochins, silkies and a few odd sweet ones I could not let go. . .

The weather is hurting my Southern feelings tonight. Horizontal snow is one of the reasons I left New York. Sheesh! Wish I were back at my parents' cabin sitting next to a nice warm fire. I'll go to bed tonight with the wind howling, and dream of my sweet Mama bringing me a nice mug of hot chocolate . . .

Hope you are all warm and not insanely sweeping the cars and walkways in the snow like I have been!

[Hey Robo, thanks for the bleach info. Hope I don't need it!]
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Sadly I have appointments in Nashville tomorrow. The bleach trick is good to know as they never scrape out here in the boondocks. If I can make it to a main road I should be okay. Let's hope they can get things shoveled by mid morning!

My silkies never would leave the coop today. All of the others were out and about and gobbling up treats like crazy. The silkies were having nothing to do with it. They looked faintly suspicious every time I peeked in on them. Silly chickens. They left a plate full of hot oatmeal untouched!
I just had to go out and move some chickens.......I had bumped a group out from a garage brooder to the yard yesterday. Seemed like a kind of dumb idea at the time...well...yep, it was. They were "cold looking" earlier today and I felt guilty sitting here...so went out and put them back in the heated brooder (now they have to share with the next batch of chicks) and they were much happier. I think they'll do a lot better in there now and I won't worry about going out to frozen chickens in the morning!
The rest of my chickens acted normal today. I no longer keep food or water in the coop....two large feeders in the covered 12x12 area at the front of the garage. It is basically the garage without a garage door....so 3 walls and a roof. The chickens like to hang out in there. Nobody likes to stay in the coop....can't say I blame them!
Mine love their coop because they have straw and a heat lamp when it gets really cold and windy like today. they were all in the little hole I dug out for them.
where did u hear this?

never heard of this. it seem funny that school are closing because of little bit of snow and cold. we went to school in this weather in upstate new york. true we had snow plows runing around.
hey be careful out there tomorrow n tonight i accept the power to go out 2 due to ice on the lines.

I remember waiting at the bus stop in blowing snow up to our knees and the bus couldn't get down in our neighborhood so we had to trek it to the buss instead. There was usually a snow plow in front of the busses. We didn't see many snow days. We also played out in it for hours building forts and having snow ball fights.

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