
I didn't do it..I didn't provide her with any of her new found addiction.So how are the chicks doing?
This wonderful weather has a bunch of my chicks I bought stranded unable to be shipped now..we dodged yesterday's pretty well here

Oh forgot to add Jenski's eggs once again had a 100% hatch
pictures to come soon..adorable fuzzy teny tiny bantam Ameraucana's all blue this time I believe..one may be black I was tired when I stuck them in the brooder...We hatched 1 EE and one OE.. strange my Marans roo loves the Ameraucana's but not one Marans egg has been fertile..3 roosters out there(1 Marans 2 true AMs) for pete sake seems like one would like 3 lonely Marans ladies
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I am looking for some dark brown egg layers. Anyone have any around nashville knoxville area? I live by cooke ville I am willing to drive an hour (or so) for chickens. I would like an older pullet or laying hen. even an older laying hen would be good.
Morning, TN folks! Okla-Doodle-Doo inspired me to get cracking on our TN thread, since he does such a great job staying connected on his Okie thread. It really is good for us to keep up with our local crazy chicken people.

. . . so here's something only you all would understand (maybe): I stopped by my parents' new house yesterday evening, and was chatting away with them and my SIL and enjoying a nice glass of wine. Every time I lifted my glass, though, I kept getting this waft of chicken poo - - and the wine wasn't French. After a couple of surreptitious sniffs (still not sure my SIL didn't catch that), I remembered I was wearing the same jacket I had worn to clean the pens that day, and on the bottom of my left sleeve, well, you can guess the rest.

Ya just can't take me anywhere. *sigh*

stanglover, glad you got things cleaned up. I broke my "between-storm cleanup" into two days so it wasn't so bad. There's nothing worse than adding icy water to a poo-filled pen. . . except maybe trying to scrape it out after the fact! Clean and dry, that's what I like!

emvickrey, glad your hen is hanging on. I would be tempted to pop her with Tylan 50 for a few days, but there's something to be said for breeding for resistance to stuff like that and jut letting it take its course.

Eggs are Good, welcome! Good to have another chicken picker on board. I'm east of Nashville, just west of Lebanon. There are lots of great people around the forum who can enable your chicken habit.

Robo, are you all frozen over there? We had 48 and rain this morning. It feels so warm after all that awful cold that my banty roos are all hollering outside this morning . . . four little sassy mouths feeling pretty good about life right now in their covered pens.

Hey there bikechick! Glad you're here. Oh Lord, you met up with Holly and Ann. . . better start building more pens, LOL!
Did you make your water heater, or buy one? Pics?
Everything is frozen around here. I think that it might start to melt soon. The coop door was frozen shut so I had to scrape it off with a knife to get in. Everybody is okay though, exept the waterer. It was frozen solid and had a coat of ice over it. I am glad I bought a heated dog water bowl. I love not having to un thaw waterers anymore. Now I just need one for the other coop.
Hey now
where did my bantams come from? I can relate to the jacket but then again I have chicks free ranging in the basement
watch where you step doing laundry you may step in the poo or worse yet don't step on a chick!
This weather had better quit long enough to get the last of the siding on my next house or they will be perching on the roof of my house next.I stuck 111 eggs in for New Years and only my MF Cochin pen is on strike so I have lots of eggs that started-a few others froze but between 80-90 took on that hatch alone:oops:
Saw where you got silkie eggs from GA
young ones will bring you over to the other side.

I was out in that bad weather about 5:30pm or 6:00pm coming back from the doctor it was a mess. I'm going to do so cleaning in side and then out side while my babies hatch out today. Everyone keep worm.
@ Jenski-yep, I made my own heater out of a xmas cookie can and light bulb. I meant to take pix this morning but I was so excited and in a hurry to get it set up-I didn't. However, I plan to make 3 more so I'll take pictures. Feeling smart.....
We seriously need to have a middle TN meetup. I have met so many of you already and want to meet the rest. I keep thinking "Oh, so-and-so BYCer should meet this new BYCer I just met. They would really enjoy each other!" Y'all are all enablers and do indeed "get it".

Bikechick- Hello!!!! I'm so glad you are here too. How are all those babies? Has anyone started laying yet? (And Jenski, I only sort of enabled Bikechick. Holly enabled her more....

Silkietime- how are your sweet babies doing? Are y'all handling the nasty weather okay? Be careful walking back to your pens. I have had to promise my mother that I will tuck my cell phone in my pocket so if I slip on the snow/ice/mud I won't freeze to death laying there with a broken leg. (My mother has a GREAT imagination!) I was pondering your pens yesterday as I daydreamed my way into work planning my future breeding pens/barn. Actually, I was playing the "What if I won the lottery" game and was plotting what I would do if money wasn't a problem. Can you even imagine the chicken coops? BWAAAHAAAHAAAA!!!

Jenski- we may be twins seperated at birth. I am getting better about doing a coat and shoe check before heading out the door. It is bad enough that I have cat hair on everything. Feathers and poo stuck to my shoe may just be over the edge. HA! You are a kindred spirit for sure.

Holly- 111 eggs?!!! Woman! Where in the world are you going to stash 111 chicks? You are cracking me up. What all are you setting? Are you still doing silver AMs? I have been checking out the little boys out in my buff pen. I have one that is really funky looking with black in his tail and his topknot. I've never had one with black in the topknot. It's pretty fun. I think he may be the winner to get to travel to your place. I, of course, will be terribly curious to see what color babies he throws.

abhaya- You might try talking to hbuehler. She has marans that lay a nice, dark egg. Welsummers are another dark egg layer. I'm not sure who around us has welsummers for sale. Hopefully I'll be hatching some out from shipped eggs later in the summer, but I don't have anything now.

Robo- be careful on the ice! It missed us completely. Dealing with frozen waterers is the worst part of winter. I gave up and started using bowls last winter. Those plastic waterers are a nightmare!

Anyone know how long this warm front is supposed to last? Like stanglover I need to shovel out coops.
Gotta run. I give my last test today and then grade like crazy all night. Yay! School will be officially out then. Whoohoo!!!!

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