
Hey there you Eastern Tenn's......I'm heading to the Smokies in a couple weeks. Love that place. Would someone tell again how to find LC off the 321 route from the interstate 65, going into Maryville? Also, I can't remember the name of that special feed someone was telling about a few weeks ago.....I think it was organic and had some good stuff like oils and such. Is LC open Sat afternoon? Thanks!!!
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By LC do you mean Lenoir City? If so you just follow 321 straight through Maryville....across the dam and it dumps you out in Lenoir City.

Lenoir City has a new feed store right there on Hwy 11 called Lenoir City Feed.

Also, I have no clue where Interstate 65 is...could you mean 75?
Find Lee Highway off of 321 if you are coming from Maryville, if you are coming the other way take 11E and turn onto Lee Highway. There is Star riding academy coming from 11E and a small gas station right next to the store. When you see the station turn right. Is it the rooster booster scratch? Best feed ever!
Well, my broody stopped. It got real cold one day last week here. She was off the eggs and they froze. Oh well, guess I shall try again in another week.

That's why I've been stealing eggs for the bator, and breaking the broody hen's hearts. Trying to break their broodiness as well. Winter is NOT over, despite the currently lovely weather.
Well, gosh - I actually meant I-40! But I think I'll be able to find it with everyone's directions here! Thanks!

We had excitement last night. 2:43 I heard one of our dogs go 'woof'.....real gentle, like. I'm a light sleeper, and that woke me up. It came from the side of the house where the chicken coop/pen is so I hopped up to see what was what. He had a possum. Since I'm playing hop-along Cassidy b/c of a sprained ankle, I held the flashlight while Ron checked him out.....poked him really hard with a metal pole and it was perfectly still. Ron left the shotgun with me while he went to get a shovel to put it in the trash.

Dang varmit was playin' possum....raised up and hissed at me. Stood there staring.
The gun jammed; it wobbled off. Ron got back just in time to work the lever loose and prevent it's escape. I'm pretty sure this must be what has holed up under our front porch....just 70' from the chickens. Hoping it was a lone ranger!!!
At least we got the critter before it multiplied!!!

The chicken wire around the bottom of the pen has come loose so soon't my ankle allows I need to get out there and reattach it! I like my girls just the way they are!!!

Never had a sprain before....this is nearly as bad as when I had a broken foot. For a couple days it looked like I had a baby's butt attached to the side of my leg!
Gotta get better quick so I can keep up with the other ladies in the Smokies in 3 weeks!!!
I hate possums almost as much as I hate coons. Sorry about the broody. I have a broody that has been on eggs for almost 2 weeks. She's one of myt marans hens. They are very good marans. I hav e her in a small dog house we re-modled and I don't think she's moved off the eggs more than a couple of times. I finally threw her food out and replaced it because it looks as though she hasn't touched it.

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