Tevye's Illustrated Guide to Hygiene... (A Silly Picture Expose)

Tevyes Dad

Leader of the Quack
8 Years
Apr 22, 2014
Tevye, as the official Spokesduck of the flock, will now give a lesson in basic hygiene:

The first step is to decide to clean up. Choose a time when there are no scary rivals in your pool...

Next you puff up your feathers. This will release the dirt and grime trapped there as well as let more water in to deep clean your plumage...

Then you beat the tar out of your feathers...

I mean it! Don't be afraid to go crazy! Dirt, insects, leftover food scraps all trapped in those feathers...

If anything or anyone around you is dry... You aren't done...

Give it an ultrasonic shake to get the tough stains out...

And don't forget to wash your face... (Pssst, Entie... get out of the shot...)

And behind your ears...

Now you are clean... You motor on over to the ramp...

And throw on a towel.

You will note at this point, my soft quilted chest is kind of lumpy...

And some feathers are severely out of place.

But a little time

spent meticulously preening

removing damaged feathers

and putting the rest in place

is well worth the result

of wonderfully groomed



I think that went well...

Arrrrrg! Girls!

Why didn't you tell me there was this crumb on my foot? Now I feel like an idiot!
Well done! Your pictures/narrative brought a big grin to my face.

Thanks, that was the idea. I was just snapping some pics of him and when he came back from preening, he looked so proud of himself and ridiculous that I figured I would have to put the whole thing together just to stage the last two pics
Thanks for the positive comments. I will let Tevye know. He wanted to do a guide to brushing and flossing too until I pointed out he had no teeth.

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