Texas A & M size ?


11 Years
Nov 13, 2012
I'm new on here and in the UK.
I've got 10 Japanese Quail, but I'm thinking of getting a different type of quail.
I was wondering how big do Texas A & M Quail get ?
(either weight or inches (or centimetres!).
We were just given some quail and were told they were Texas A & M. They were a lot smaller than I imagined quail to be! One can easily sit in the palm of my hand, and I could cup my other hand around it and encase it completely. I'm still doing more research, since we have chickens, but quail are completely new to me. These seem more like the kind of bird you would keep indoors as pets thanhave outside as livestock.
Yes a photo would be good.
How many inches tall are they? (or weight? )
That would also help identify them....
Thanks for your answer!
I'm surprised they are not bigger, as I've some jumbo japanese coturnix that are 15 ounces. I thought they would be at least that size. So, do they have a bigger breast size?
And how tall do they stand?

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