
quote name="TexasLisa" url="/t/44/texas/13930#post_11557359"]
finals today and tomorrow! got a C on my k9/feline... but im worried about my clin path grade! that subject kicked my butt! still is! got a 56 need 4 pts to move up to passing and she has a test she hasn't gotten to from Friday... well a project worth a test score... if I do good on that it could put me at a D and I still have my final to pass... but im not sure how she will grade them... the waiting is killing me!!!!:barnie

I am praying for you Sarge!  You will 'kick butt'!!!:yiipchick


Lisa :)

Ok.. I was just going to come on here and ask what would make chicken eggs so small! The ones I am "chicken" sitting have been giving normal sized eggs then tonight there was one about 1/3 of the size! I can't see deformity on ours but in the two months we have been watching them, this is a first here.. no guineas here either! Totally can't wait to see what the experts say!
Sounds like a fart egg. Crack it open and see if it has a yolk. If it doesn't, it's a fart egg. This is one one of my EEs laid a while back. She laid 3 or 4 and then hasn't done it since then.
Just for the record (to make sure I have it straight) It's 1 roo per 10-12 hens, right?
There is no magic number - but there are less problems with fewer males to females. It all depends on the flock dynamics, which can change quickly, sometimes seemingly for no reason. You just have to watch for problems, be proactive as much as you can.
Just for the record (to make sure I have it straight) It's 1 roo per 10-12 hens, right?
That number may work for you but it wouldn't work for me. At most if I want high fertility I would use 5 hens/1cock. But it really depends on what breeds you are mating. Some cocks can handle more hens than others.
Sounds like a fart egg. Crack it open and see if it has a yolk. If it doesn't, it's a fart egg. This is one one of my EEs laid a while back. She laid 3 or 4 and then hasn't done it since then.

I will check that out when i get home today, i got one 2 days in a row and i mean these things are TINY! about the size of a quarter and white...perhaps my polish is taking a crack at some eggs?
Omg just had a helluva hullabaloo! The girls were out free ranging and my son saw a black feral cat in our backyard! So I start freaking out tryin to get my mud boots on to run out there, and my 3 yr old, lets the 9 wk old LGD out! Holy crap there was critters shooting everywhere! I ended up watching the cat run off with a mouse that's been eating feed in my run and the dang dog ended up with my littlest Dominique in her mouth, not eating or biting but "lovin" her up a little too much for comfort! I need a shot of whiskey!

It isn't funny, but then again it is. I had two dogs come onto my property and I skipped the boots and ran out the door across the gravel driveway screaming and waving my arms! Never saw the dogs again.

Lisa :)

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