
Drat! Caught her dust bathing... She either changed her mind or 1) laid and I missed it and someone ate it although nothing is wet in the nesting box this time or 2) decided to be sneeky and laid somewhere in the yard
Maybe tomorrow.. sigh
I am so excited we have had 1 hen out of 15 laying for 9 days.

How can you tell who is laying? I'm really, REALLY new at this--my little Polish chickens laid their first egg Friday and have now given me four little eggs. I know at least two are laying since I had an egg very late yesterday afternoon--poor thing, it was SOOOO hot yesterday and I was so worried for her--and another egg this morning around 10:00. I think three might be laying, but I'm not sure. I've had several little Silkie pullets in the coop during the day and checking things out. The three Polish I think are laying have all been in the coop mewing and at times distressed. The little bantam Plymouth rock has been in the coop mewing, too, but so far no brown eggs. The eggs all weigh about an ounce (I have a very accurate scale). How big is a Silkie egg likely to be?
How can you tell who is laying?

I am a newbie too so hopefully someone else will jump in with more experience and I can learn some too!
Here has been my experience! How I have known who is laying for sure from two flocks (mine and one I watch over).. one with 5 hens and 1 pullet and mine with 8 hens and 1 pullet.. is actually SEEING them! I know that the flock of 6 only has 4 laying and I only have one.. although there are a couple that just might start soon!
With younger birds, and even my older hens that we just bought, I noticed their combs got real red before they started laying. Like my EE I THOUGHT was going to lay today.. day before yesterday she was very pale.. has been since we got her a week ago.. today she is bright red! Same thing happened with my RIR! I have been noticing that pretty much everyone else has been getting more and more red so *fingers are crossed!*
First time layers (pullets) eggs are so lil and so cute! The ones we watch over I kept having a tiny egg from them and did not understand.. then I saw a lil BA mix lay one! I had no idea she was laying yet and actually thought she was a roo as her crown went crazy right before! Did research and learned that is how they start out.
I have no experience with silkies or polish though..sorry!
is your avatar your bird?? it's so amazing! I have 3 silver and 2 gold laced polish 1 week old today....not that I want them to grow up too fast but I'm looking forward to all their gorgeousness lol

Yes, I think she one who has given me an egg. The poor thing has a beard and muffs and was basically blinded by her feathers. The other three Polish don't have the muffs, so they can see down and they'll flop their top knots to the side to see. Left naturally, she is blind and was acting very disturbed because she couldn't see. I decided to tape all their top knots up with electrical tape. I am tempted to cut their top knots off but my son refuses to let me (my avatar is his favorite bird). If you do end up cutting the top knot off, make sure you are careful to avoid blood feathers (live feathers with blood in them) because they will not only hurt a lot to cut, but they will bleed profusely.
I thought I'd be funny and post an old avatar I had that said, "Guess What?  Chicken butt!", so I Googled that saying and...all I can say is, WHAT'S WRONG WITH PEOPLE!?!    

yall know that was the whole point of that post... DW begged me to do it... I did it so I could post this.....

it is the bursa of fabricus.... the place that B-lymphocytes go to mature....

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