
We are expecting some low temps tomorrow night. I'll water really well today and put sheets out over the crops tomorrow. I have heard that when a plant freezes that you should was off the frost with water because its the reflection from the sun on the ice crystals that kills the plant. Now, I do not believe this is true. Maybe someone else with more experience can explain if this IS true.
My garden turned crispy in August when we got a sting of 100*+ days. Things had pretty much finished up by then though. I didn't want to try for a second crop for the fall.

I'm not sure about the reflection of the sun on ice crystals killing the plants. That doesn't sound right and I have had plants die from the cold when they were covered with sheets. I'm picking up a Planket for my stuff. It's getting down to 27* here tomorrow night. Not liking that one bit.
We'll probably cover the green beans & eggplant tomorrow night. But our winter veggies, like collards, chard and broccoli should be fine. I worry a bit about our young snow peas, but they don't have blossoms yet so they may be fine through our first frost. It's only supposed to get into the low to mid 30s in College Station.
Question. I went out last night to try to check on the chickens who prefer to sleep outside, and place them inside. I was able to blind side the rooster who sleeps on the water bowl, and put him in with the rest of the gang after a slight brawl. I have been taking chickens out of this coop because I was afraid there wasn't enough roosting room. There is extra room now, so in the coop he went. Tonight I went back out to see if he realized he could go inside, but there he was again, perched on the water bowl. When I shined the flashlight on him he started moving around. I was able to shine the light in front of him, and guide him back to the coop. Do you all think he may have a vision problem, and he doesn't make it into the coop when the others go because it's already too dark for him? It's going to get cold tomorrow, and I'm worried about him. (strange question I know)
Good Morning Fellow Texans!!

I had started this post around 5:30 and am just now finishing it up. I had a bit of excitement. I had a dozen cattle in my orchard. Neighbor is never home and they had jumped the fence. Good way to get your adrenaline going!

Have a great day!

Lisa :)
I didn't know cows would jump a fence, wow!

Good morning! It is already quite chilly here in N. Tx. 46* and dropping and boy is it windy! Brrrrrrrr!!! My house has very little insulation in the attic and none in the walls. I am not a fan of weather extremes. :/

Trying to decide if I should cover my basil or let it go for the winter. Do chickens like basil? I could give it my neighbour for her chickens. I did cut a bunch for me already.

I am starting this for supper so it will be ready for me when I get home from babysitting this afternoon. Yummy!

Have a good day!
Good Morning Fellow Texans!!

I had started this post around 5:30 and am just now finishing it up. I had a bit of excitement. I had a dozen cattle in my orchard. Neighbor is never home and they had jumped the fence. Good way to get your adrenaline going!

Have a great day!

Lisa :)
Good morning! That's funny. I guess if a cow can jump over the moon, a cow can jump over a fence.
I didn't know cows would jump a fence, wow!

Good morning! It is already quite chilly here in N. Tx. 46* and dropping and boy is it windy! Brrrrrrrr!!! My house has very little insulation in the attic and none in the walls. I am not a fan of weather extremes. :/

Trying to decide if I should cover my basil or let it go for the winter. Do chickens like basil? I could give it my neighbour for her chickens. I did cut a bunch for me already.

I am starting this for supper so it will be ready for me when I get home from babysitting this afternoon. Yummy!

Have a good day!
I love your avatar pic...is that in your yard?

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