
I hear you. I just took two Ameraucana pullets to the vet--I thought I was going to lose them both. I was planning on showing them March 1, so separated them from the cockerels and pulled broken feathers about a month ago. I had them housed in a vegetable garden. They were most unhappy to be confined. They'd been free ranging over two acres. When my new Cochins arrived, one had a little cough (shipping fever) from being shipped in a not very well ventilated shipping box. She went to the vet and was put on Tylan. A few days after that trip to the vet, we had that wicked cold front come in and I battened down my coops just a little too tightly.... When I opened it up that morning, I could just feel the warm moist air... A couple coughed. Everyone went on Tylan for five days.

One of the Ameraucana pullets had bright yellow urates two days after stopping the Tylan....

Then, the two stupid Ameraucanas decided to eat their hay bedding since they didn't have access to pasture....

I tried a few things to unblock their crops and started them on a prescription of oral Nystatin. I expected them to be improving by today but they just weren't doing well enough so off to the vet. Again.

Fortunately the vet is confident they'll recover and taught me how to tube fluid into their crops. Today I learned a lot about blocked crops and what to do about them. Did you know that spinach helped unblock crops? Who would have known! I thought soft food would be best, but he recommended cracked corn to help break things down and move them along. Right now, they are sitting in small show cages on bare flooring because they tried to eat their bedding--I tried both shavings and hay.

The two pullets who were the picture of health five weeks ago look like h *ll. No shows for them. At this point, I'm just hoping they'll live.

Oh geeze, when it rains its pours. Hope they will improve. Don't you just love having to learn new things just because your animals decided they wanted to have some new illness or injury? ;)
It looks like I'll be getting paid soon! Freelance graphic design is difficult (especially when your client is family), but I've been owed $100 for several weeks, so I think I'll be getting it by the weekend. That'll cover a school loan payment and will give me enough extra cash for a couple bags of feed! Because of the stress I've been feeling--and because I've literally been painting for days-- I decided to apply for a part-time job as a web designer. It looks like I'll be getting the position (I'm sending off a cohesive portfolio for the shop owner) and hopefully it'll work out. He said that if all goes well, I might be getting a permanent position. Then, right after getting that confirmation, my cousin calls and says that she needs the invoice for all the things I've done for her. I told her I'd be getting a part-time job and she said, "Oh, that's what I wanted to talk to you about!" If it turns out that I get the job and then am offered more work from my cousin, I'll have to do both. Freelancing pays $35 an hour and part-time print shop work will likely only pay minimum wage. :caf Well, I've got to start somewhere. Part of being a young college grad is struggling to find work and settling for jobs in order to make your way. The dream is still alive to have the perfect balance of technology and nature in my life. After all, I'm only 21. I've got time! Besides, one hour of work could buy me two lavender guinea fowl from a local ranch. I. NEED. THEM. :bow
Stop already! They are too cute. Just stop
Oh geeze, when it rains its pours. Hope they will improve. Don't you just love having to learn new things just because your animals decided they wanted to have some new illness or injury? ;)

That's the bright side of all this. I'm learning a lot. I like to do my learning from a vet I trust, not from the internet. There's a lot of misinformation floating around the internet. (And a lot of good information, too.) I now have a really good understanding of what to do about a blocked crop (and forcing them to vomit isn't one of them).

Who would have thought a chicken would fill up on hay bedding because there wasn't any pasture????

When I decided to go to a couple of little poultry shows, I learned all about vaccinations for diseases I didn't even know existed.

I've learned a heck of a lot this last month or two, which is surprising since I've had parrots for about 15 years.

Actually, I might have to end up moving into it!
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[quoovingmyhens" url="/t/44/texas/23340#post_12862602"]
I'm really glad you are feeling better! I hope today was good!

Thanks. This crud is hanging on. I was warned it would.
I have some exciting news!
I am not suppose to tell anyone yet. :) so keep the secret.
My son and his wife are expecting in Sept. I can't wait to meet my grandbaby. My son and daughter-in-law are so excited. Had to skip the hugs cause of being sick, but I'll get plenty soon.
I kept the secret for 3 days that's pretty good.
[quoovingmyhens" url="/t/44/texas/23340#post_12862602"]
I'm really glad you are feeling better! I hope today was good!

Thanks. This crud is hanging on. I was warned it would.
I have some exciting news!
I am not suppose to tell anyone yet. :) so keep the secret.
My son and his wife are expecting in Sept. I can't wait to meet my grandbaby. My son and daughter-in-law are so excited. Had to skip the hugs cause of being sick, but I'll get plenty soon.
I kept the secret for 3 days that's pretty good.[/quote]

Oh my gosh!! So glad to be the first to congratulate you!
Are they close? My greatest fear is that my girls will meet their prince charmings and they will move far away.
I know they have to go their own way, but being close to my grand kids is my dream.

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