
Who is your vet in San Antonio? We have our regular vet for the dogs, but I dont think they see chickens or any livestock for that matter.

The vet I used was Castle West Animal Hospital, Dr. Bill J. McGehee, 11105 West Ave, San Antonio, 210-344-8259. I was very happy with him.
[quoovingmyhens" url="/t/44/texas/23340#post_12862602"]
I'm really glad you are feeling better! I hope today was good!

Thanks. This crud is hanging on. I was warned it would.
I have some exciting news!
I am not suppose to tell anyone yet. :) so keep the secret.
My son and his wife are expecting in Sept. I can't wait to meet my grandbaby. My son and daughter-in-law are so excited. Had to skip the hugs cause of being sick, but I'll get plenty soon.
I kept the secret for 3 days that's pretty good.[/quote]
So exciting! Congratulations!

I'm getting worried about my little chicks that were shipped Tuesday.  The last update was made yesterday morning when they left the sort facility near where they were shipped from.  They should have arrived in San Antonio yesterday to be on the truck to my local  post office now.

My Cochins were shipped yesterday.  The breeder hasn't sent me the tracking number yet, so more worry.  Worry, worry, worry--it is something I do really well, lol!

Glad they arrived safely!

Hello fellow texans! I wasnt quite sure where I should post my question so if this is the wrong place I apologize in advance. Well I recently bought a coop but I still have yet to get some chickens. I do not want chicks which are readily available all over craigslist and the like, because I have two cats and a puppy who is learning that if its not a toy its not his. So I have been searching for hens who are already laying, to no avail. I would like 2ameraucanas and a jersey giant as well as a rooster ( of either breed ). I am in maypearl (near waxahachie ). So if anyone has any chickens they would like to sell I would be happy to have them or if you know where I could get some I would appreciate that information.

Check out the Ellis County Poultry page on facebook!
There's a few people selling pullets and laying hens. I've heard good things about Neely Ranch too.
I know theres a few people in waxahaxhie selling
Glad your chicks made it jajeanpierre. One less worry or a whole lot more. :)

I was out with the girls earlier watching their silly little antics. Wonder what they are doing when they pick up straw and seem to toss it over their shoulders. It must mean something in chicken.
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Glad your chicks made it jajeanpierre. One less worry or a whole lot more.

I was out with the girls earlier watching their silly little antics. Wonder what they are doing when they pick up straw and seem to toss it over their shoulders. It must mean something in chicken.

I think that is behavior associated with making a nest. Are they feeling a little broody maybe?
Here's my chickies!

These are Ameraucanas from Paul Smith, a breeder near Gainesville, Texas. He's the same breeder I bought my Ameraucanas from last year.

They were most uncooperative and turned their backs at every opportunity. They seem in really good shape. I think they were a little chilled when they arrived, but once they warmed up, they've been just great.

I DO love the Brinsea brooder! The only downside is that you can't see the chicks when they are under it. They react to it like it is their mother--when they are cold or frightened, they are under it. They are much quieter than I remember the chicks from last year, and I wonder if it because the brooder is more natural for them, so they are just generally less stressed. One of the little black ones is scratching for food so hard, he's almost falling over.

I tried to get pictures of their cute little faces with their muffs and beards. I don't know if you can see it on the blue chick (top left).

All twelve are in the picture below.

Here's my chickies! These are Ameraucanas from Paul Smith, a breeder near Gainesville, Texas. He's the same breeder I bought my Ameraucanas from last year. They were most uncooperative and turned their backs at every opportunity. They seem in really good shape. I think they were a little chilled when they arrived, but once they warmed up, they've been just great. I DO love the Brinsea brooder! The only downside is that you can't see the chicks when they are under it. They react to it like it is their mother--when they are cold or frightened, they are under it. They are much quieter than I remember the chicks from last year, and I wonder if it because the brooder is more natural for them, so they are just generally less stressed. One of the little black ones is scratching for food so hard, he's almost falling over. I tried to get pictures of their cute little faces with their muffs and beards. I don't know if you can see it on the blue chick (top left). All twelve are in the picture below.
So cute. Can you tell the sex on this breed chicks? Ameraucanas lay blue eggs? That would make a nice addition to the egg basket.
So cute. Can you tell the sex on this breed chicks? Ameraucanas lay blue eggs? That would make a nice addition to the egg basket.

I've read somewhere that some Ameraucana chicks carry whatever genes are involved in sexing day-old chicks. Isn't it with a dot on their heads? Does anyone know anything about sexing day-old chicks by their coloring?

My new blue bantam Cochins should arrive tomorrow morning (I hope!). I have to get busy and get them someplace to stay. The Ameraucanas with the crop issues are in the cages I had set aside for them.

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