
Perhaps this is a dumb question...but I'll ask it anyway!

If we keep the coop open during the day for the chickens to get out...there's no way to ever prevent snakes from entering, right? Or is more that we keep the coop secure and sealed during the night when the snakes are most active?

I would think that snakes are more active during the day, being cold blooded creatures. So keeping them out of an open coop is a challenge. You can try killing them all as you find them, they like to curl up under warm places at night, which would mak finding them fairly easy. Baiting traps with food and heat would probably catch some snakes. But I would say the best way to get rid of them is to get a couple cats. Cats can't take down 6 foot snakes, but can and will kill any baby snakes they find, which means a lot less big snakes coming for your chickens. My outside cats don't bother my chickens at all, not even the 7 week old pullets running around my yard. But I wouldn't trust just any cat with pullets.

Keeping the coop secure at night is still very important, coons can climb and will break into coops and slaughter all the birds within. I believe possums will too. Rats are also notorious egg theifs. All of them are more active at night.
Went to BYC thread concerning snakes...most said snakes are good for keeping mice etc away. Secure coop as best possible. Snake away repellant works sometimes. Mothballs are a deterrent but DEADLY to chickens. Put mothballs in a plastic food storage container with holes punched in it to let the smell out but chickens can't get them. Dusting sulfur around the outer perimeter of the coop is also deterrent. the sulfur helps keep other bugs out too. Mainly keep area around the coop clear of snake hideouts is the best thing to do. And get a couple of cats. Cats will kill small snakes before they become a threat to small chickens.
Most snake prefer mice and other rodents over birds, but they are also opportunists and a chick makes a good snack. The reason snakes get in the hen house is because they are looking for rodents and then a warm place to sleep....it's warm under a hen, nice and cozy for a snake.
I think she'd enjoy being a mommy. She could use some companions.

- TieDyeMommy
Just a comment for folks here...it is so awesome that y'all think about and care so much for the animals you have...not just their physical well being but their emotional quality of life as well...just too cool!!!
I went to my neighbors house this morning, he finally found the crazy RIR Roo. It came out this morning for another fight with the game cock Roo. My neighbor tried to stop it, but the game cock seriously injured the RIR. The injured bird ran under the house and my neighbor was desperate to get him. The RIR could barely stand, and he had infected wounds from his previous fight with the game cock Roo. Half his face was gone, and his chest was ripped open and infected. My neighbor put him down and buried him this morning to end his suffering.

My flock of chickens, geese, and 2 of the ducks stood at the fence as close to me as they could and really let me have it for leaving them. When I finally got back I was mobbed. Made me feel a little better about helping to catch the Roo and then put him down.
I think she'd enjoy being a mommy.  She could use some companions.

- TieDyeMommy

I think so too. Plus I don't want the cresteds breeding. Not after learning about the skull deformity and seizure aspect of the crest. So having some Cayuga ducks that can breed, and letting the cresteds brood them if they so desire is a nice compromise.

Just a comment for folks here...it is so awesome that y'all think about and care so much for the animals you have...not just their physical well being but their emotional quality of life as well...just too cool!!!:love

I was raised that animals are your responsibility. You have to provide everything for them, like a baby. That means more than just food and shelter, it also means happiness. Happy animals cause a lot less trouble out of boredom or loneliness. Also happy chickens, ducks, geese produce better. So all around a win-win for everyone involved.

And dear Ebony is just so sweet. She sees the food bowl in my hand and comes running, quacking all the way. She doesn't panic the few times I pick her up, unlike the others. She has fast become our favorite duck. My kids, parents, hubby, and myself are all in love with her. Who wouldn't want to give her companions and make her as happy as she makes us?
I went to my neighbors house this morning, he finally found the crazy RIR Roo. It came out this morning for another fight with the game cock Roo. My neighbor tried to stop it, but the game cock seriously injured the RIR. The injured bird ran under the house and my neighbor was desperate to get him. The RIR could barely stand, and he had infected wounds from his previous fight with the game cock Roo. Half his face was gone, and his chest was ripped open and infected. My neighbor put him down and buried him this morning to end his suffering.

My flock of chickens, geese, and 2 of the ducks stood at the fence as close to me as they could and really let me have it for leaving them. When I finally got back I was mobbed. Made me feel a little better about helping to catch the Roo and then put him down.
Wow...sad ending...but best for all concerned.
Anyone know what 5-6 week old Ameraucana & Easter Eggers are selling for?
I THINK that actual Ameruancanas would go for more than EEs
(Don't get me wrong, I adore my EEs).
I usually see pullets sell for 10-15 depending on breed and age. Laying hens are more, unsexed birds are cheaper, etc.
I would pay 15 for an Ameruacana pullet easy, but I'm not super experienced.

AND another one last night...I'll be setting a trap today

Yeah, no more eggs for those suckers!

This question is probably going to make me sound..well, dumb, but I have a rooster question.
When does a rooster start wanting to mate?
I have a 12 week Silkie roo who has yet to crow (and who I have yet to find a home for).
My ladies aren't laying yet, but if they start laying before he starts crowing...Basically I don't want chicks. Lol.
I should be fine with just collecting all the eggs right?

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