

Our only hatch from our second attempt. A cream legbar x Plymouth partridge rock. I ended up buying 2 white leghorns and 2 barred rocks to keep it company.

Hello my fellow Texas Chicken affectionados! Figured I'd check in since a been a week or so. My building is almost complete. Need to door hardware and to get the roll-up doors installed and the shell will be done. I plan to epoxy the floors and have gutters hung to empty into some rain catchment barrels and the shell will be complete. Still have a long way to go to finish out the casita half of the building. Also need more fill and exterior landscaping.

Today my dear labrador retriever Django, went under the knife to remove his manhood. I feel for the guy I really do, but he was starting to hike his leg in the house generally harassing the girls to the point that it was annoying. Hopefully this will calm him down some. He gets to wear the cone of shame for a while. I will post pictures...LOL!

My SLW's are 16 weeks old today they are getting very close to laying. Starting to get excited! Anyone ever have a hen that just didn't lay? I'm afraid I will have to cull any that cannot produce, so hopefully they will be prolific layers.
I love it! My girls are 18 weeks today, almost time!

We have two hens that are 22 wks and still waiting for an egg from them. The white one is showing signs of layer behavior but still getting all brown eggs so I don't think she is laying yet. The PR shows no interest in the nest boxes yet. I'm hoping that the white hen will be a good brooder. Was told she might have some gamebird in her and I think they are suppose to be good brooders. If it weren't for our bantams being good brooders, we wouldn't have any of our own chicks. The PR and RIR have no brooder instinct at all but are great layers...as they were bred to be.
If you don't mind me asking, what are the signs to watch for?
Is straw ok for nesting boxes?

Our only hatch from our second attempt. A cream legbar x Plymouth partridge rock. I ended up buying 2 white leghorns and 2 barred rocks to keep it company.
Too cute! You can see the chipmunk pattern from the legbar :)

Hello my fellow Texas Chicken affectionados! Figured I'd check in since a been a week or so. My building is almost complete. Need to door hardware and to get the roll-up doors installed and the shell will be done. I plan to epoxy the floors and have gutters hung to empty into some rain catchment barrels and the shell will be complete. Still have a long way to go to finish out the casita half of the building. Also need more fill and exterior landscaping.

Today my dear labrador retriever Django, went under the knife to remove his manhood. I feel for the guy I really do, but he was starting to hike his leg in the house generally harassing the girls to the point that it was annoying. Hopefully this will calm him down some. He gets to wear the cone of shame for a while. I will post pictures...LOL!

My SLW's are 16 weeks old today they are getting very close to laying. Starting to get excited! Anyone ever have a hen that just didn't lay? I'm afraid I will have to cull any that cannot produce, so hopefully they will be prolific layers.
Nice Clovis!
Heck I wouldn't mind living in that!! LOL

I need to get Jack cut before he finds a lady and discovers there's more to life than digging up varmints. :)

My babies are 11 & 12 weeks old now. I still have a ways to go before first lay. So far, looks like I might have all hens, I hope so anyway. I'm not fond of my RIR's. They like to peck.
Happy weekend, all!
When I first got my pullets in April, one of my dogs went NUTS and was constantly circling the open air kennel. I feared my dreams of free ranging were over!

I'm happy to report that after a few weeks, he has more than chilled out:

The barn cat we acquired also doesn't care about the chickens. She followed me into the coop to clean and paid no mind to the ladies.

Woohoo! Peace at Black Dog Ranch

Our dog and cat could care less about our chickens, but the chickens are fascinated by them. They gather around and stare at the four-legged fur-balls in the back yard. Ha-ha!
Forgot to say that the ducklings are doing great. Keeping Ebony company and peeping away. I want to pick them up and snuggle them so bad, but I also want Ebony to adopt/bond with them so I resist the urge. The ducklings are adorable though. I am trying to think of names for them, got 3 girls and 1 boy. So far I have Jade and Emerald for 2 of the girls, just because the Cayuga ducks are supposed to get iridescent green on their feathers. The drakes are supposed to be stunningly beautiful.

We were in Marble Falls/Kingsland area this past weekend and went by Hill Country Poultry, in Burnet, and bought a few chicks. http://www.hillcountrypoultry.com/ We bought eight 6 week old Easter Eggers and 2 Jersey Giants. One of the giants didn't make the trip home, we think the other chicks all got on top of it, there was plenty of room for them but they were scared and all got into one corner of their carrier. We also lost 2 to our dog last night, the other giant and an Easter Egger. We had to use a different pen to put them in until today and unfortunately we didn't realize there was a way out for them. Our dogs ignore the chicks in the brooder and don't go anywhere near them once they are almost full grown but they can't seem to fight the urge to 'play' with them when they are around 6 weeks old...

Anyways, just wanted to give anyone interested in chicks that are a little older a place to look into. They were very friendly and nice to deal with. It was nice to get chicks that weren't on heat (until I got home to only one hatched and had to go buy younger chicks to go with it, chicken math at its finest). All of the chicks I got were from Ideal, I'm not sure if all of their stock is from Ideal or if they have breeds from other hatcheries or possibly hatch a few themselves. They are NPIP certified and because of that, they will not let you go back to where the chicks are. I knew that before going in but I wish I would have been a little more involved in letting them know what I wanted, as far as the easter egger pullets. I'm not a huge fan of the common brown ones and 7 out of 8 all look exactly the same. One is white/buff, which I'm happy with. Be prepared for the process to take a little bit, you do have to wait for them to catch them. You can't pre-order/pay over the phone since they don't have anywhere to keep them so it helps to be flexible if what you are going for isn't available. Also, they seemed a little smaller than what I was thinking they would be but were feathered out nicely. Once they get clean and calmed down from our trip I will share a few pictures.
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I love it! My girls are 18 weeks today, almost time!

If you don't mind me asking, what are the signs to watch for?
Is straw ok for nesting boxes?

Too cute! You can see the chipmunk pattern from the legbar :)
Well what appear to be signs to me are....inspecting the nest boxes, she goes in and walks around but comes back out. She is also pulling pieces of hay out and moving them or rearranging it in the boxes. Don't know if that really is a sign of layer behavior or not, but seemed logical to me. The 2 hens are in no danger of freezer camp. I'll give them plenty of time to mature first. The darn roo is another story...he has no skills and doesn't know how to treat a lady...he just jumps their bones! The big hens don't like him and chase him off when he tries a hen....they seem to know he's not up to the task yet!

What a cute chick...i hope it does well....glad you got it some friends to grow up with.
Went out to work and mom-in-law came over...so much for getting work done. Love her bunches but not motivational at all...watched chickens and visited...then realized we hadn't eaten so came in for PB&J break. But hey it's cool in here what can I say! LOL
Starfire...Yes...I went looking for pics of Cayuga ducks back when we were talking ducks. The drakes are gorgeous! Amazing green feathers! And the hens are pretty too. (That is what you call a female duck?? Right?) I'm eager to see your's when they get big!

I did a search and read wikipedia's info on them...the history of the breed is very interesting...It is an old breed dating back to the 1800s from Cayuga NY area.
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