
After reading all the recent posts on coops I've realized that the coop I'm building is more suited to cold weather. Good thing I'm still working on it and can incorporate features that'll keep them cool. I'm sure glad I'm following this thread. I might have accidentally cooked my chickens.

That's one (of several) reasons I hang out here so much, to glean as much info from folks experienced in raising chickens in heat - everything else (online and printed materials) seems completely focused on protecting chickens from cold. Takes a different approach in our climate. It's the same with gardening - the seasons are flipped for me (winter being the best time to grow many things). There's so much info about managing the garden in cold weather, "waiting to plant until the soil is warm". And cold frames? Like I would ever need a cold frame...

- Ant Farm
I ordered an incubator warehouse incuview incubator today. Now I have to start collecting chicken eggs and looking for a guinea nest. We had three nests in the pasture that we had found and all were destroyed by either rain or predators. I know they are laying I just can't find where. Anyway I will keep you informed on the incuview and see how well it works. ET
I always start my plants in 30* weather. I just cover them with a plastic sheet. Amazing how quick they grow. Didnt work this year with all that rain though

Right? All or none with rain here.
My potatoes even rotted in the ground from all the rain! Planted 3 lbs of tubers and got 3 lbs of potatoes back.
Now no rain here in Grapeland and everything left in the garden is needing to be watered every other day.
No happy medium this year, that's for sure.

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