
Here's the pictures finally! Sorry for the flood. Had some help today from my great nephew and he was a huge help in holding them so I could take the pictures!

Red Girl (rhode island red)

Booster the Rooster (rhode island red)

Fluffy Butt (rhode island red)

Cranky (rhode island red)

Snow Ball (pearl white leghorn)

Snow White Trouble (white leghorn)

Caramel (easter egger)

King (big orange rooster of some sort)

Who (easter egger)

Marshmallow (easter egger)

Goldie (same thing King is but I don't know what that is)

Twix (easter egger)

Gertrude (easter egger)

Eli (Welsummer cockerel)

Destroyer of Worlds (bantam something)

Killer of Men (bantam something)

Sparky (Jersey Giant not sure of gender)

The whole setup. Two coops one big run. You can't see it but there is netting over the trees in the front and electrical wire around the edges. All the easter eggers are pullets, or at least that was what I was told.
Incuview update: Ten chicks hatched and three more piped, we shall see how it goes tonight.
Here's the pictures finally! Sorry for the flood. Had some help today from my great nephew and he was a huge help in holding them so I could take the pictures!

Red Girl (rhode island red)

Booster the Rooster (rhode island red)

Fluffy Butt (rhode island red)

Cranky (rhode island red)

Snow Ball (pearl white leghorn)

Snow White Trouble (white leghorn)

Caramel (easter egger)

King (big orange rooster of some sort)

Who (easter egger)

Marshmallow (easter egger)

Goldie (same thing King is but I don't know what that is)

Twix (easter egger)

Gertrude (easter egger)

Eli (Welsummer cockerel)

Destroyer of Worlds (bantam something)

Killer of Men (bantam something)

Sparky (Jersey Giant not sure of gender)

The whole setup. Two coops one big run. You can't see it but there is netting over the trees in the front and electrical wire around the edges. All the easter eggers are pullets, or at least that was what I was told.

DAAAANG. That's a lotta chickens! We're down to five after processing our rooster (he was renamed Curry after he tried to attack me THROUGH the fence). We're shopping for his replacement on Monday.
Incuview update. All of the last run of guinea eggs have hatched except for three, they have pipped. I will help later today if they have to been able to get out. ET
It feels good to have a project finally completed. Though, I am curious about mixing Turkey's and chickens. Are you concerned about black head?

I noticed that both roosters are now starting to feather. The funny thing is that these two roosters are larger than the Black Copper Maran Roosters, but they get pecked at by the Marans. We have been taking the Roosters and "dominating" them. Snatch them up, get them under control, hover above them while having them squat, and rubbing the back of their necks until they fall asleep and then let them revive and go on their way.

I got the idea from some research I did on a site where a lady did this with their Tom Turkeys to get them to be used to being handled and not being aggressive toward humans. We'll see how that comes out in the wash.

I have a friend who is fairly local that has chickens, turkeys and guineas all free ranging together with no problem. Was planning on worming them all anyways, since I have the new birds in quarantine still to try to prevent any problems from arising. Blackhead is really only a problem in regions it is endemic.

That was the same issue I had with the Cubalayas, half the size of the larger males and still posturing at them. They are still only about large pigeon size - slow developing breed that only get to 3-4 lb. In fact the turkey poults are about the same size as them and they are only 6 weeks.

The turkeys were the hardest ones to get into the coop after letting them out in the run yesterday. The other birds only aggressively go after them until we get most of them back in the coop. Once most of them are in it goes back to the less aggressive pecking. Have the girls out for the morning. Going to let the cockerels and guineas out after I manage to get the girls back up. Then I will put up a horse fence divider to keep the poults just in front of the coop while I reband them. Then let them put themselves to bed, hopefully.

My most aggressive males are my Hollands and Cubalayas. So I might try that with the worst of them. As I caught one of the female guineas to separate out yesterday one of the Holland cockerels pecked and bit her above an eye so bad it bled. I think part of that was the fact the the guineas skin is shedding as they are growing. If I have to cull the Hollands for aggression and find another male for breeding stock I won't be too upset, they have some weight to them, make good roasting birds.

Now it is time to put pine shavings into the big trough that the poults were in and add a divider. The last 4 poults and the Fayoumi pullet in sickbay are getting space up grades. Need to get some bird netting to put over the small run that had been the quarantine area for the ducks, so that I can let the birds that are in quarantine stretch their legs a bit.

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