
Snipes are really cute and a lot of fun to watch. They are sort of water-bound Road Runners. The one that gets me, and has nothing to do with birds, is that Texas sells hunting licenses for hunting Alligators statewide. I live in Coleman County and they actually offer a discount on Alligator permits...I guess because they are pretty hunted out here in West Texas.
Well, East Texas on the Louisiana border does have plenty of gator. It is a bit like buying your Hunting License and adding fresh and salt water fishing when you don't live near the Gulf either. But, if you chose to, you could go and take a guided tour out in the Gulf.
Good news! In January - March I will be going to San Leon too pick up some/a silkie pullet(s). That or I will be ordering 3 silkie eggs.
I did straight runs this go around. Wanted to see if I liked the breeds and to give me a choice for a sire. So I have a pretty even split of males to females. That's why I have a separate pen for the boys. Seems like the dominance issues have settled down since I pulled the female guinea yesterday.

I really like the personalities of the Cubalayas, both males and females. Although they are not much bigger than bantams, so they are mainly ornamental. The most personable boys have been the Barred Hollands, they are also the largest breed. They seem to enjoy getting attention and being picked up more than the others. Those two started getting their spurs in about a month ago, and they have kinda been testing the waters with me. I don't let them intimidate me, and if they peck at me in an aggressive manner I grab their comb and pull their head down to the ground until they start to relax, usually keeps them in line for a couple of days. I plan on trimming their spurs later. The Cubalayas aren't supposed to grow spurs, but I have one that looks like he is. Need to check the Cochins to see if they are growing them beneath all those feathers. The Cochins don't like being caught but they settle down once you have them. I don't look forward to trimming the Fayoumis though, they are wild.

I will be investing in better breeding stock later. Definitely going to get more Barred Hollands. A dark egg layer, don't know whether I want to continue with the Marans or get Welsummers or Penedesencas. Also considering Crevecours, Arucanas, Langshans, and Orpingtons.
I have Black Copper Marans, Blue/Splash Americanas, and Chocolate/Mottled Orpingtons I am starting out with. If all goes well I am tempted to see how the market bears Svart Honas or ayam cemani next.
Ooh, the ayam cemani are intriguing, they are also on the want list but have to prioritize. I want to at least be able to have my poultry hobby pay for itself. I will have to look up the Svart Honas. I think one of my two Buff Orpington "pullets" may actually be a male. I'm ok with that. Even though it means one more rooster I have to figure out housing for. Your observations have been correct about the personality of the breed. I may look into the Lavender English Orpingtons for later. The chicken math is becoming like Pokemon.
Father's Day finally arrived. My CConly Startpluker on back order finally arrived today. Now, I have pretty much everything I need to kill a PBR/EE Rooster this week end. Winner, winner rooster dinner. I moved out all the birds from his pen, and now he is all by himself. I moved over the other two rooster (one really juvenile) and the 5 other hens in with Lucky, who is feeling Lucky. He just inherited four more laying hens. Despite the infighting of the two flocks, 12 hens and 10 eggs today.

I looked them up. From what I read they were slightly larger. The Ayam Cemani are about the same size as my Cubalayas. So I think they are more for fanciers that want unique ornamentals. I still think they are cool. Now that I know about the Svart Hona, I am leaning towards them over the Cemani since they lay a few more eggs. Either way have to get things in better order here before jumping into anything that high dollar. The broilers we processed in May were the best chicken we've ever tasted. Plucked by hand. Thinking about trying a plucker I saw in a poultry magazine next go around. It has 6 of the plucking fingers on a cylinder that attaches to a drill.
Your husband wouldn't have that happy smile on his face if he met my 5 year old Spalding peacock I raised from a chick. He became aggressive this mating season but since breeding ended a few weeks ago and he'd calmed down I was off my guard and got attacked today. I have a deep hole in my head just inside the hairline above my forehead and that whole side of the head is swelling. It's hurts so bad and the doctor didn't give me pain pills, but have some massive dose antibiotics that look like horse pills. Need to keep a bonnet over my head when outside to keep clean and wash it several times a day with antibacterial soap. I cannot believe this happened. He is usually extremely personable and sweet. This is what happens when a male wild animal imprints on humans. Now need to figure out what to do with him. I'm 73.....can't handle a rogue peacock, LOL!!! If anyone within driving distance of San Antonio area could offer him a good home free ranging with other peacocks please let me know. He's a pet so I'd only feel good about letting him go after I check out where he would be. He used to free range but predators have gotten so bad we built a huge aviary. Some still free range some. My head hurts so much.
Your husband wouldn't have that happy smile on his face if he met my 5 year old Spalding peacock I raised from a chick. He became aggressive this mating season but since breeding ended a few weeks ago and he'd calmed down I was off my guard and got attacked today. I have a deep hole in my head just inside the hairline above my forehead and that whole side of the head is swelling. It's hurts so bad and the doctor didn't give me pain pills, but have some massive dose antibiotics that look like horse pills. Need to keep a bonnet over my head when outside to keep clean and wash it several times a day with antibacterial soap. I cannot believe this happened. He is usually extremely personable and sweet. This is what happens when a male wild animal imprints on humans. Now need to figure out what to do with him. I'm 73.....can't handle a rogue peacock, LOL!!! If anyone within driving distance of San Antonio area could offer him a good home free ranging with other peacocks please let me know. He's a pet so I'd only feel good about letting him go after I check out where he would be. He used to free range but predators have gotten so bad we built a huge aviary. Some still free range some. My head hurts so much.
I wonder what peacock tastes like? If it did that to me, I think I would find out.

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